logan hocking parent portal

by Prof. Lelah Cummings 4 min read

What Patient Portal do I use for Logan health clinics?

For Logan Health Whitefish and its clinics, please use their patient portal . For Logan Health Conrad and its clinics, please us the Thrive Patient Portal. For Logan Health Shelby and its clinics, please use their MyHealth Patient Portal .

When is the next Hocking County school board meeting in 2022?

Notice is hereby given that there will be a regular meeting of the Logan-Hocking Local Board of Education, Hocking County, Ohio on Monday, July 11, 2022 @ 7:15am at the Logan-Hocking Local Administration Office, 2019 East Front St. Logan, Ohio 43138.

Who is the head band director for Logan-Hocking School District?

The Logan-Hocking School District (LHSD) names Pam Price as Head Band Director, welcoming her back to the school district. After 28 years as an Assistant Band Director and Woodwind Specialist, Price originally took over the role of Director of Bands after her predecessor, Jeff North, announced his retirement.


What is the Hocking College Police Department?

The Hocking College Police Department operates 24/7, 365 days a year. HCPD has primary jurisdiction on all Hocking College properties, including the Logan, Perry, and Lake Snowden campuses. They also provide mutual aid for the City of Nelsonville and routinely respond to calls for assistance within the City.

How to get transcripts from Hocking College?

In order to receive an official transcript from Hocking College, your bill must be paid in full with the Cashiers Office.

What is financial aid team?

The Financial Aid Team is available to assist you and your student with developing a plan to cover your educational costs to attend Hocking College. Let our team of experts guide you through the financial aid process and help your student to be ‘Seat Ready’ before the start of the semester.

What is Hocking College?

Hocking College is dedicated to promoting the health, safety and well-being of our student and employee populations. In support of that goal, we are releasing this information bulletin to inform you of the actions we are taking to assess, prevent, protect and respond to the coronavirus.

How is disability eligibility determined?

Eligibility will be determined on the basis of the presence of a disability and a need for services and accommodations to support an equal educational opportunity. Information from the disability documentation, the student’s stated experience with past services and accommodations and the professional judgment of the Accessibility Resources office will determine eligibility.

What is FERPA in education?

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) limits sharing of data pertaining to a student to only those individuals that the student has given the school permission to share certain information. This can include status of grades, a students' academic performance, or the details of a financial issues.

How much does 2+2 save?

That's why our articulation agreements are designed with our students and their families in mind. Students who complete our 2+2 programs save an average of $28,000.

Patient Portal

A patient portal assists patients and their families in managing their health care. Services range from medical records to messaging your provider and renewing prescriptions. Please see the appropriate institution below for what services are available.

Logan Health Medical Center

For Logan Health Medical Center and its clinics, please use the myHealth patient portal .

Logan Health Whitefish

For Logan Health Whitefish and its clinics, please use their patient portal .

Logan Health Conrad

For Logan Health Conrad and its clinics, please us the Thrive Patient Portal.

Logan Health Shelby

For Logan Health Shelby and its clinics, please use their MyHealth Patient Portal .

What is Q Parent Connect?

Q Parent Connect is our web portal designed to give you more access to your student's educational information - grades, attendance, transcript, discipline, etc. In order for you to access your student's information, you must complete a short activation process to ensure we have up-to-date information for your account.

When do you submit a new meal application?

Please note that a new meal application must be submitted at the beginning of each school year.

Is James Logan High School safe?

James Logan High School is a safe place for all students. Any form of harassment or bullying is not permitted. Furthermore, Seth's Law (AB 9) allows for specific guidelines for schools in California to follow when addressing instances of bullying.
