longfellow middle school norman parent portal

by Dr. Ezra Swaniawski 8 min read

What is the Longfellow PTA newsletter?

The PTA Newsletter is emailed to all Longfellow families every two weeks throughout the school year. Click here to read the most recent issue. You can update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time at the Fairfax County Public Schools.

Who is the new principal of Longfellow Middle School?

Welcome, Dr. Jim Patrick, the new principal of Longfellow Middle School! In words and photos, Benji describes how doing research to learn more about COVID-19 has helped her cope with stress during the pandemic.

What is the mission of Longfellow?

Our mission is to inspire excellence by supporting the growth and well-being of each member of the Longfellow community. View the latest "News and Announcements" from Longfellow Middle School.

What is inspiring excellence at Longfellow?

Inspiring Excellence at Longfellow! Our mission is to inspire excellence by supporting the growth and well-being of each member of the Longfellow community. View the latest "News and Announcements" from Longfellow Middle School.


What is the Office of the Ombudsman?

The Office of the Ombudsman provides an independent, confidential resource for students, families, community members, and employees who are seeking informal help to answer questions, resolve concerns, and voice complaints regarding FCPS matters. Contact them here.

What is the Longfellow mission?

Our mission is to inspire excellence by supporting the growth and well-being of each member of the Longfellow community.

What is the phone number for FCPs?

The Parent Technology Help Desk will continue to support parents and students. The number is 1-833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS). It will be answered by staff from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Why are there double back buses?

Due to the bus driver shortage , we will be increasing “double back” bus runs, meaning a bus is required to run two scheduled routes back to back that would normally have been covered by two separate buses. These “double backs” may impact delivery time to schools or bus stops and may have a domino effect, affecting after-school drop-off times.

Who is the principal of Longfellow Middle School?

Welcome, Dr. Jim Patrick, the new principal of Longfellow Middle School!

Is there an emergency broadband benefit?

There is now a new Emergency Broadband Benefit available to eligible households through the Federal Communications Commission. This is a temporary benefit that will help to lower the cost of internet broadband service during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Find out more.

How to stay in touch with Norman Public Schools?

You may also stay in touch with events in the Norman Public Schools by following NPS on Facebook and/or Twitter. Click the icons below to access the NPS Facebook page or Twitter feed. Then "like" us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. Click the mobile phone icon on those pages to have the messages sent directly to your phone.

What is the Norman Public Schools app?

Norman Public Schools mobile app assures that you will be among the first to get news and announcements of what is going on in the district and at Longfellow. Visit the iTunesApp Store, Android Market, or click one of the links below to download this updated free, handy tool to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

Where is the Longfellow office?

Until construction is complete the main office will be housed in the front of Science Hall on the corner of Ponca Avenue and Gray Street. Our counselors and administrators have moved to temporary spaces across the campus, and the library has been moved to the south half of the Tech Ed building, just north of Miller Hall. Anyone wanting to see a principal or other staff member should sign in at the temporary office, and Longfellow secretaries will help visitors find the person they wish to see.

How often is the PTA newsletter sent out?

The PTA Newsletter is emailed to all Longfellow families every two weeks throughout the school year. Click here to read the most recent issue. You can update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time at the Fairfax County Public Schools.

What is the role of LMS PTA?

Provide Resources: As a family engagement association, the LMS PTA plays a unique role as a go-between with your school and your community. In a crisis like this one, that role becomes even more importan t.

Is the LMS directory available?

The directory is now available to ALL LMS Families through Memberhub. To set up your profile on the directory:

Can the LMS PTA do all the great things it does without resources?

Keeping Revenue Coming In: The LMS PTA can’t do all of the great things it does without resources. We will continue to fundraise and support local businesses (for instance, with Family take-out nights).

Who is invited to the LMS PTA?

Impactful: The LMS PTA will invite key players such as the principal, school staff, and other speakers to best help support LMS families with monthly talks.

Is the 2021 support excellence campaign tax deductible?

Your support directly impacts every student . All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
