loreto secondary school kilkenny parent portal

by Magdalen Rosenbaum 3 min read

Why Loreto Secondary School?

In co-operation with parents and guardians, we work towards the spiritual, moral, social and academic development of each student. Our wish is that our students will grow into happy, confident and responsible adults. Loreto Secondary School operates an open and inclusive admissions policy.

How does Loreto work for parents?

At Loreto we provide a ‘live’ Parent Portal, while students also have their own access separately. The online portal allows parents to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your daughter’s progress.

What is the name of the secondary school in Kilkenny?

Loreto-kilkenny – Loreto Secondary School, Kilkenny Skip to content Menu Menu Home Enrolment Open Night Enrolment info Induction of First Years Info Loreto The Loreto Tradition in Education Management Principal’s Welcome A Word From Our Deputy Principals Facilities Evaluations Parents Annual Newsletter Child Protection Code of Behaviour

What is the online parent portal?

The online portal allows parents to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your daughter’s progress. Important notifications regarding various school activities, general school information and parent teacher meetings etc. are also communicated to you as parents through the portal.


Mission Statement

As a Catholic school in the Loreto tradition, we aim to create a warm and caring community. In an atmosphere of respect and fairness, through support and friendship, we affirm each person’s self-worth and dignity. We aim to provide a student-centred education that nurtures the talents and potential of all.

Social Media Wall

To celebrate “Le Festival de la Francophonie en Irlande”, we are offering Free guided tours of Kilkenny Castle in French to secondary schools classes (TY ... Loreto Retweeted
