lps frisco parent portal

by Anais Stracke PhD 7 min read

What information is included in the LPS family portal?

This selection of information is designed to meet the needs of LPS families, providing current information about services, resources, data and news of interest to parents.

When does the application period open for LPs Frisco?

Then the application period will open on Monday, February 7th - Friday, February 25th. If there are more applications than spaces, the lottery will take place on Thursday, March 3rd. LPS Frisco teaches real-world and leadership skills.

When is the lottery for LPs Frisco?

If there are more applications than spaces, the lottery will take place on Thursday, March 3rd. LPS Frisco teaches real-world and leadership skills.


Who do I contact for Echo Help?

Visit the Echo Help Desk and use the search function. If you have questions about your specific course- contact your classroom teacher.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

Echo will send you your password information as long as you have a valid email address in Echo. Follow the instructions on this site to learn more.

How do parents learn more about Echo?

Echo is constantly adding helpful tips and articles to their Students and Parents: Quick Gude. Be sure to bookmark this page: https://help.echo-ntn.org/hc/en-us/categories/360001673833-Students-and-Parents-Quick-Guide or subscribe to their YouTube channel .

How do students join a course?

NOTE: You need an registration code, given by your teacher, to enroll yourself in a course. Echo admins do not have these codes. Please contact your teacher if you need an enrollment code.

8500 Teel Parkway

Once kindergarten parents have kissed and hugged your student good-bye please join the PTO in the church cafe for some juice and refreshments.

4770 Eldorado Parkway

Generations Hope is a youth-led organization, founded by LPS high school Junior Lindsey Kopplow, that seeks to improve the lives of children living in multi-family communities local to Frisco. Our outreach team provides a safe environment for kids to hang out, enjoy a hot meal, and grow in their spirituality.
