lsr7 parent portal

by Diana Schmitt 4 min read

What is the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District doing for families?

The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District is excited to continue our online registration system that families will use to register returning students. For translation assistance, please click here to get information about our Multicultural Welcome Center.

How do I Register my child for school in Lee’s summit?

The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District is excited to continue our online registration system that families will use to register returning students. For translation assistance, please click here to get information about our Multicultural Welcome Center. To register now, click here to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

How do I register for the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

To register now, click here to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Families will be able to confidentially upload necessary residency requirements, update immunization records and complete required payments all in an online system.

What happens during R-7 registration?

During Registration, families confidentially upload necessary residency requirements, update immunization records and complete required payments all in an online system. Immunization requirements apply to students learning in-person and through R-7 Online Academy.


LSR7 Online Registration

The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District is excited to continue our online registration system that families will use to register returning students.

Important Dates

2021-22 School Year Registration July 22 to Aug. 3. If you didn't register your kindergarten student this spring, you will need to call your school to add your child to your account. Returning Students Online registration is open now.

Enrollment for Families New to LSR7

Welcome to our schools! New families, your first step is to contact your student's school to begin the enrollment process (find your school using our boundary locator tool ).

What is the LSR7 school district’s procedure for sharing student information and parental decisions in regards to custody?

That is, they will share equally in all important decisions such as medical and educational. If one parent informs the school district that the other parent has been denied custody or visitation , that parent must provide a copy of the court document as proof.

What if some of the pre-populated information was wrong when I logged in to powerschool registration?

Correct whatever information is allowed to be changed. Note that some information cannot be changed online using PowerSchool Registration and will need to be changed in person at the school.

What information should I have on hand to complete online registration?

Parents should have all the following information at hand before beginning to fill out the information to avoid having to go to the school if a mistake is made.

Can I start enrollment and finish it later?

Yes. As long as the application is not submitted via a Submit button as the final step, applications can be saved if more data entry is needed and reopened at a later time. You will re-enter via the account you set up when you began the enrollment / registration process.

Do I have to answer all questions in the online registration application?

Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) require a response, and the process is not complete until those questions are answered.

Do I need more than one powerschool registration account if I have more than one child?

No . If you are registering more than one child, you can utilize the same account, but you will have to enter each child’s unique snapcode. If the additional child is new to the District, he/she WILL NOT have a snapcode and must be registered as a new student. Each child will have to be registered through the online process. After completing registration for one child, a parent can simply click a link to begin registration for a second child.

Can parents access the online enrollment from their smartphone or tablet?

Yes. You can access the online enrollment system from Android and iOS devices if you are not using the PowerSchool mobile app.
