ltis parent portal

by Kianna Schumm 3 min read

How do I set up my Parent Portal at Lockport Township High?

After you have enrolled your first student at Lockport Township High School, you will receive a Parent Portal Activation Key. You will need this to set up your Parent Portal. If you do NOT have a Parent Portal and need an activation key, please email with the following information: Your relation to the student.

How do I add students to my Parent Portal account?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form that you complete when setting up your Parent Portal account asks for the names of all of your students who attend TPS only. Simply list each student's name and their TPS school location so that when the school secretary inputs your information, the correct students are linked to your account.

How do I access the parent portal in Toledo Public Schools?

This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal.

What information do I need to sign up for the parent portal?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form contains very important information that you will need when you first logon to your TPS Parent Portal account, so please keep it close and keep it confidential. Your initial password will be the password that is shown on the form you complete and sign.


How to contact Lake Travis ISD?

For assistance with your login or password, contact the Lake Travis ISD Help Desk at 512-533-6565 or via email at Login names and passwords are automatically generated by the Skyward system at time of enrollment. Your name, your student's name, and campus will be required to locate your account.

Does Skyward Family Access include athletics?

Skyward Family Access does not include athletics, food and nutrition services, student drug testing and transportation information, nor does it replace Schoology, the district's Learning Management System used by our teachers districtwide to deliver courses and content online.

How to contact LTHs parent portal?

Technology Department Help Desk: Email or. Phone (815)588-8637.

What is infinite parent portal?

Infinite Campus Parent Portal is an easy way to monitor your child’s academic progress online. Through Infinite Campus Parent Portal you can easily communicate with teachers through email, and receive automatic email notification related to tardies, unexcused absences, and failing grades.

What is open enrollment in La Porte ISD?

Open enrollment is for students who do not live in La Porte ISD but wish to attend our schools. To apply for open enrollment, please follow the link provided below and complete the form. (Instructions for submitting the application are on page 4.)

What are the findings of annual evaluations?

The findings of annual evaluations will be used to improve and/or revise listed strategies within the district/campus plans, as well as Parent and Family Engagement Policies.

What is ACE in high school?

Accelerated College Education (ACE) is a rigorous program designed to allow students to graduate high school with an Associate’s Degree from San Jacinto College. Students will take courses at San Jacinto College (Main Campus) as well as classes at the high school campus. The district will provide transportation between the two campuses; however, students do have the options of driving or having their own transportation.

What is the minimum amount of Title I funds used for?

A minimum of 1% of Title I funds will be used for Parental and Family Engagement activities. Parents must be included in decisions on how these funds are spent at each campus through the CPOC and CIP processes.

When do you start classes at San Jacinto College?

Students will then start classes at San Jacinto College during the Summer Semester of their 10 th Grade year. Students will also be required to take classes during the Summer Semester of their 11 th grade year as part of the ACE program.

What is the purpose of training and supporting parents?

Train and support parents to enhance the involvement of other parents.

What is the responsibility of a campus site based decision making team?

Campus site-based decision making teams will have the responsibility of evaluating all campus programs annually and implementing necessary improvement/change based on needs assessment.

What is the TPS Parent Portal registration form?

The TPS Parent Portal Registration form contains very important information that you will need when you first logon to your TPS Parent Portal account, so please keep it close and keep it confidential. Your initial password will be the password that is shown on the form you complete and sign. Also, this password will be used for future TPS Parent Portal verification. The email address you provide on this form will be your permanent TPS Parent Portal username.

How long does it take to get a parent portal email?

After all the requirements have been met, an email will be sent to you to verify your email address. This should occur within approximately 5 days after completion of the TPS Parent Portal Registration form.

How to get to the Bowsher Parent Portal?

Type in your address bar (url). This will take you to the Toledo Public Schools home page. Move your cursor to the Parents tab and left click on Bowsher Parent Portal. The next screen will be the Parent Portal. Left click on the link The next screen will be your logon screen. Complete this screen and you will advance to the Bowsher Parent Portal student school screens.

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to pertinent student information such as attendance records, class schedule, class work, report cards and transcripts.

What browsers are required for Internet Explorer?

Browser requirements: Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher for Windows, 5.0 or higher for Macintosh; Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher ; Opera 6.0 or higher; Firefox 3.x, Safari 1.0 or higher. You can also use mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, Android phone or tablet, Kindle. Do NOT USE GOOGLE CHROME!!!

What to do if you can't access your student's records?

If you are unable to access your student's records or do not receive an email, please contact your child's school.

Can you use TPS Parent Portal as password?

Also, when setting up your TPS Parent Portal account, please do not use as your password the current password you are using to access your personal email account. Please create a different password to access the TPS Parent Portal.
