lunenburg parent portal

by Charlene Lowe 10 min read

How do I get access to the Lunenburg County public schools parent portal?

Parents with students at Lunenburg County Public Schools may apply for access to our parent portal. Simply contact your school's guidance department to start the process.

What is the mission of Lunenburg public schools?

The Mission of the Lunenburg Public Schools is to provide all students with the skills, confidence, and passion for life-long learning so that they may find their own paths to successful careers, active citizenship, and rewarding lives.

Does LCPs have a parent portal for LINQ?

More Linq Registration Information for Parents Please ignore the Health Screener and Athletics sections. LCPS is not currently using those items. Parents with students at Lunenburg County Public Schools may apply for access to our parent portal.

How do I subscribe to the Lunenburg PTO calendar?

For full details and to place an order, visit the Lunenburg PTO fundraiser page. Title I Letters and Report Cards can be found by clicking this button. click +Google Calendar button (bottom right) to subscribe and see the calendar in your own Google account. For more information about subscribing to District & School calendars, click here.


How to subscribe to Google Calendar?

click +Google Calendar button (bottom right) to subscribe and see the calendar in your own Google account. For more information about subscribing to District & School calendars, click here.

How old do you have to be to sign a Google permission form?

All student accounts were activated during the pandemic, but we need to have a permission form for each student under the age of 13 signed by a parent or guardian on file. Google accounts follow students from primary school through high school.

How to contact Krissy Carbone?

Kindergarten and Preschool Registration by appointment only: Please contact Krissy Carbone via email at or call 978-582-4122 ext. 3102 to make a registration appointment.

What is a student emergency form?

The Student Emergency Form is required each year to collect student health information and consent for emergency care. Please complete a new form each school year or as information changes. This year, we will utilize an online Student Emergency Form. A receipt will be automatically sent to the email address of the parent/guardian who submits the form. Please note that the form needs to be completed in one sitting (i.e. you cannot save and return to complete).

How many teachers are there in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts public schools are home to more than 70,000 educators who are the most important part of their students' education. Join us as we celebrate these educators' aMAzing work!

Can teachers access closed sites?

Teachers, staff and administrators can access this closed site using their school Google account

Can you add videos to your watch history?

Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.
