mackellar girls parent and student portal

by Prof. Gardner Jast V 9 min read

Why choose Mackellar Girls Campus?

Mackellar Girls Campus proud of its position as the exemplar school for girls education on the Northern Beaches. This reflects the quality of the curricular and extra-curricular activities offered, our strong values and traditions and the wonderful achievements of our students and staff.

Does Mackellar primary school have a school uniform?

Mackellar Primary School has a school uniform designed and produced by PSW. You can puchase online or in store. All visitors to Mackellar Primary School must proceed to the General Office to sign in via our Kiosk system and obtain a visitor’s pass, this includes parents visiting the school.

Does Mackellar primary school allow medication?

If a student requires medication, Mackellar Primary School encourages parents to arrange for the medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, Mackellar Primary School understands that students may need to take medication at school or school activities.

What is the student and Parent Portal and how does it work?

Our school has undertaken a new initiative, the Student and Parent Portal, to provide both parents and students discreet information about each student's progress in our school.


How to get a visitor pass at Mackellar Primary School?

All visitors to Mackellar Primary School must proceed to the General Office to sign in via our Kiosk system and obtain a visitor’s pass, this includes parents visiting the school.

What do you need to label medication for school?

Any medication brought to school by a student needs to be clearly labelled with: the student’s name. the dosage required. the time the medication needs to be administered. Parents/carers need to ensure that the medication a student has at school is within its expiry date.

Why are assemblies affected?

Assemblies have been affected due to COVID restrictions.

What time is breakfast club at Mackellar?

WHEN: Monday to Friday. TIME: 8.30 am to 8.55 am. WHERE: Room 1.

What is lost property in Mackellar?

Lost Property. Any students who leave behind items of clothing are placed safely in a lost property section. Lost property is regularly addressed by a staff member of Mackellar, where they will go through and look for names on items of clothing and return it to them.

Why are newsletters digital?

All newsletter are digital to save the environment from printing.

Does Mackellar Primary School have boom gates?

Mackellar Primary School has boom gates installed at the main staff car park to ensure safety, if you have a student with a movement disability and need to access the car park please contact the school to organise a meeting.
