madeley ranch parent portal

by Davonte Friesen 6 min read

The Pathway to Premier

Every journey begins with having an authentic understanding of where you are in order to identify the path needed to arrive at your desired destination. In Montgomery ISD, our desired destination is to be recognized as The Premier School District in Texas.

Our Mission

Montgomery ISD, in partnership with families and the community, will grow and develop future generations of leaders and productive citizens by offering innovative academic programs responsive to every student's individual needs.


B etter Our World. E xemplify Excellence. A ct With Integrity. R espect Self and Others. S tand Up For What Is Right.

Principal's Message

It's February already and time certainly is going by quickly! The second semester is long and intense and our teachers are working very hard to have our students ready for the next level. I, for one, am very proud of our students and how hard they are working this semester.
