madera aeries parent portal

by Dr. Holly Blanda DVM 5 min read

How can I view my student's information in Madera Unified?

As part of our continuing efforts to provide information regarding your student's progress and status, Madera Unified parents/guardians will be able to view student information for their students from our school database using the Aeries Parent Portal. Through our secure server you will able to view your student's attendance and grade information.

What is portal para Padres aeries?

Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos continuos para proporcionar información sobre el progreso y el estado de su estudiante, los padres / tutores del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Madera podrán ver la información de sus estudiantes en nuestra base de datos escolar usando el Portal para Padres Aeries.

Why is my browser version not supported by Madera Unified?

Madera Unified School District Your browser version is not fully supported, or your browser has Compatibility View turned on. For the best experience please use a modern browser with compatibility view turned off.

What does it mean to use the Madera Unified Security system?

Use of this system is strictly limited to authorized account holders ONLY. Use of this system indicates that you have read and fully understand the terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in the Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy.


How to view Madera Unified student information?

As part of our continuing efforts to provide information regarding your student's progress and status, Madera Unified parents/guardians will be able to view student information for their students from our school database using the Aeries Parent Portal. Through our secure server , you will able to view your student's attendance and grade information. This is currently available to students in grades 1-12.

How to create a parent portal account?

To create a Parent Portal account you must have the following: 1. A personal email address. 2. Letter from the school site with the student's perm id number and verification code and return a signed Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy. 3. Your home phone number as it appears at the school site.

What does "use of this system" mean?

Use of this system indicates that you have read and fully understand the terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in the Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy.

How to add a student to Home Connection?

Log into the Home Connection account that has already been created. Click on the student's name in the upper right-hand corner. Click on "Add Additional Student." Follow the process for adding a student to your account.

Can you give verification codes over the phone?

To protect student privacy, we cannot give verification codes over the phone or through email. Please go into the school office to have a new Home Connection letter printed. The parent or student may pick up this letter personally. Please be ready to show proper identification when requesting a letter from the school.
