madison camelview parent portal

by Kelley Barton DDS 8 min read

Who can access the parent portal?

Parents and guardians of middle school and high school students can access the Portal. Parents of elementary school students may access the portal in the winter months of the school year. Contact your child's school for more information about specific dates.

Do children have to be enrolled in a Madison School to receive?

Children do not have to be enrolled in a Madison school to receive a free meal. Families can pick up meals without their child present. For more information, locations and times, please see the "Important Information & Updates" section on our Food & Nutrition page.

When is open enrollment for 2022-2023 Madison traditional Academy?

Madison Traditional Academy serves grades preschool - 8th. 2022-2023 Open Enrollment begins December 1, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. Please visit the 2022-2023 Open Enrollment page on December 1 to access enrollment information for the 2022-2023 school year. Please complete the Intent to Continue Form for the 2022-2023 school year.


When do Madison families need to check in?

All Madison families will need to complete the check-in process prior to the 21-22 school year. During Check-In Days, families will: Update Emergency Contact Information. Update Immunization Records. Update any Medical information. Sign up for PTO, clubs, etc.

What is Madison Elementary School?

Madison Elementary School District is committed to inspiring passion for learning and leading in an ever-changing world. Our mission is to foster success for all through dynamic, engaging, and relevant learning experiences focusing on students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.

What is Infinite Campus?

All K-12 school districts use some sort of database system for managing student information and maintaining their records. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, test scores, and other information about the students in the MMSD.

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure Web site where you can get current information about your child's school attendance and grades.

How secure is the information contained in the Portal?

Infinite Campus uses a 32-bit, secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect information. The technology is similar to that used in other industries such as health care and banking.

What information is included in the Portal? What do I use it for?

When you, as a parent or guardian, log-in you have access to information about all of the students for which you are associated. Class schedules, assignments and grades can be viewed. E-mail hyperlinks facilitate communication with classroom teachers. In addition, schools post important information on the home page, such as events, notices, etc.

What exactly is Infinite Campus Student Portal?

The Student Portal is a confidential and secure Web site where students get current information about their attendance and grades. They also use the portal to review announcements and select courses for the next school year.

Who can access the Parent Portal?

Only parents and guardians designated with legal rights to student records may receive a Parent Portal account. Each parent/guardian with such rights receives their own separate account. Accounts are NOT shared among more than one parent/guardian within households, i.e., there are no "household" accounts in the Portal.

When can I access the Parent Portal?

Parents and guardians of middle school and high school students can access the Portal. Parents of elementary school students may access the portal in the winter months of the school year. Contact your child's school for more information about specific dates.

The Early Years are Learning Years!

The early years are a crucial period of learning and development for children. Madison’s preschool program cares for each child in ways that are appropriate to his or her age and level of development, helping them build a strong foundation for learning and growth.

Preschool Scholarships

For the 2021-2022 School Year, partial scholarships will be available for Madison’s full-time preschool program at Madison Simis, Madison Traditional Academy, Madison Camelview, and Madison Rose Lane. We anticipate that scholarships will not be available at Madison Heights. Scholarships are income based through Quality First.

What form do I need to enroll in Madison School District?

All students who live outside of Madison District boundaries and who are NOT currently enrolled in a Madison school will need to complete the Open Enrollment Interest Form or the Madison Traditional Academy (MTA) Interest Form.

What is MTA in Madison?

Madison Traditional Academy (MTA) Interest Form. If your student lives inside the District boundaries and lives within the attendance boundaries for the Madison school you would like your child to attend (for example, incoming kindergartner), please complete the enrollment form below:

When do Madison families need to check in?

All Madison families will need to complete the check-in process prior to the 21-22 school year. During Check-In Days, families will: Update Emergency Contact Information. Update Immunization Records. Update any Medical information. Sign up for PTO, clubs, etc.
