madison city parent portal

by Brielle Bartoletti 4 min read

Who can access the parent portal?

Parents and guardians of middle school and high school students can access the Portal. Parents of elementary school students may access the portal in the winter months of the school year. Contact your child's school for more information about specific dates.

Who is Madison School Elementary District?

Located in Phoenix, Arizona and founded in 1890, Madison School Elementary District has grown to eight schools with an enrollment of nearly 6,000 students in grades preschool through eighth. During our more than 125-year history we have remained focused on our commitment to educating Arizona’s children and preparing them for the future.

Where can I find Madison City Schools summer reading lists?

The Secondary Instruction Team at Madison City Schools has created a Summer Reading Showcase website. The website has the reading lists and other assignments for classes students will be taking in 2018-19.

What information do I have access to as a parent/guardian?

When you, as a parent or guardian, log-in you have access to information about all of the students for which you are associated. Class schedules, assignments and grades can be viewed. E-mail hyperlinks facilitate communication with classroom teachers.


What is Madison Elementary School?

Madison Elementary School District is committed to inspiring passion for learning and leading in an ever-changing world. Our mission is to foster success for all through dynamic, engaging, and relevant learning experiences focusing on students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.

When do Madison families need to check in?

All Madison families will need to complete the check-in process prior to the 21-22 school year. During Check-In Days, families will: Update Emergency Contact Information. Update Immunization Records. Update any Medical information. Sign up for PTO, clubs, etc.
