madonna school parent portal

by Mr. Derrick Brakus DVM 7 min read

How do I get admission in Madonna University?

Admission is currently on-going into Madonna University. You may apply now. All students are adviced to pay their school fees and complete their first semester course registration as soon as possible. For support enquiries, send email to Useful links: GPA Calculator.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Mobile Apps Staff Community Schools COVID Response 21-22 Last item for navigation Montgomery County Public Schools » Parents » Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance.

What is Montgomery County public schools parent portal?

Montgomery County Public Schools / Parents / Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance. If you do not have an account contact you child's school and ask for information on how to create an account. PowerSchool - Click Here to log in

How do I contact Madonna University's help desk?

If you need a response to your issue, include your name and e-mail address in the form. Contact the Help Desk at The preferred contact method is by e-mail, but you can also call 734-432-5800 to leave a description of your problem and your telephone number.


How much tuition credit does Madonna give in 2021?

To that end, Madonna students who are vaccinated for the Coronavirus and enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester are eligible to participate in weekly drawings for a chance to win up to $1,000 in tuition credit.

How to contact Madonna University?

Contact the Help Desk at The preferred contact method is by e-mail, but you can also call 734-432-5800 to leave a description of your problem and your telephone number.

How do I log into my portal?

How do I log in to MY Portal?#N#Enter your numeric ID number in the User Name field and your PIN in the Password field. Click Login. Contact the Help Desk if you are still having problems.

Where is Madonna University located?

Madonna University 36600 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, Mich. 48150. Phone 734-432-5300 Fax 734-432-5393.


Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals is proud to offer a portal to stay informed on the care of your loved one, even when you can't be at the hospital.

Don't know the room code?

To obtain your loved one's unique room code, ask their nurse for the room code when you are at the hospital. Unique room codes may or may not be shared over the phone.

Learn More

The information presented in this portal comes from rounds made on your loved one. Rounding is the process in which a staff member routinely enters a patient’s room to assess their personal needs. Generally, rounding occurs every hour during the day shift and every two hours during the night shift.

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