manhasset public schools parent portal

by Prof. Elmo Beier I 10 min read

What is the Manhasset Parent Portal?

The Manhasset Parent Portal (MPP) is a password protected gateway through which parents/guardians are able to view the following student data based upon student grade level. Parents/guardians of students in all gade levels have access to both parent demographics (salutation, name, telephone # and email address) and student report cards.

What is the Manassas City public schools parent portal?

Manassas City Public Schools (MCPS) Parent Portal provides parents/guardians with 24-hour access to their child (ren)’s grades, attendance and demographic information. MCPS also utilizes this portal as a gateway for parents/guardians to annually update their information in its student information system.

What's on the Manhasset Board of Education home page?

Manhasset Board of Education Home Page Board Policies Bylaws Calendars Committees: Audit and Citizens Advisory Committee District Financial and Budget Information Labor Agreements Meeting Information (Notices, Agendas, Minutes, Presentations and Recognition Photos) School Climate Survey Results

How do I view my child in the parent portal?

The Parent Portal has a blue header running across the upper portion of the screen. If a parent has more than one child linked to his/her account, the parent can view different children by clicking on each student's name. On the left side of the screen is the main navigation menu and each option is defined below:


What is a parent portal in Manassas City?

Manassas City Public Schools (MCPS) Parent Portal provides parents/guardians with 24-hour access to their child (ren)’s grades, attendance and demographic information. MCPS also utilizes this portal as a gateway for parents/guardians to annually update their information in its student information system.

How many accounts can you link to a parent portal?

You can link up to seven different accounts. When you are finished, click Enter. After you click Enter, you will be brought to the Student and Parent Sign In page where you can access your Parent Portal Account.
