maple lake parent portal

by Dr. Carson Goodwin Sr. 6 min read

Why choose Maple Lake School?

“Maple Lake treats its students as individuals, not as diagnoses. We were respected for who we were and who we could become, rather than who we had been before.” “Before we came to MLA, our son struggled to stay at school for more than a few hours a day.

What departments are in Maple Lake High School?

Maple Lake High School Departments Volunteer Athletic Department Curriculum and Instruction Drama and One-Act Play Food Service Health and Safety School Nurse Solar Department Technology Transportation Community Education Students Counselor Corner Dealing with Grief and Loss HS Media Center HS Student Handbook Online Yearbook Student Council

What to know about Maple Lake Schools Club 881?

About Maple Lake Schools Club 881 Contact Us District Policies District Staff Directory Employment Enroll a Student School Board Strategic Planning Schools Maple Lake Elementary Maple Lake High School Departments Volunteer Athletic Department Curriculum and Instruction Drama and One-Act Play Food Service Health and Safety School Nurse

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal. Parent involvement is crucial to student academic success. The Parent Portal is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education. The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to: To open a new Parent Portal account:


2021 LEEA Support Staff Winners

Congratulations to Maple Lake Public Schools 2021 LEEA Support Staff Winners. From left to right: Heather Haney, Tammy Heitkamp and Susan Zander.

2021 LEEA Winners

Congratulations to our 2021 Leadership in Educational Excellence Award winners: Lisa Weninger, Rhonda Carlson, Susan Stejskal and Karla Mavencamp.


Parent involvement is crucial to student academic success. The Parent Portal is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education. The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to:

Getting Started with the Parent Portal (Video)

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To open a new Parent Portal account

You will need an email account on record with your child's school. If you don't already have one, Gmail and Yahoo are some examples of free services.
