At this assembly, the 2021 College Captain, Joel Dimattina gave his first address of the year where he spoke about the importance of community, in giving back and the challenge of being the best person you can be and honouring your God given talents. I recommend Joel’s speech to you.
One of the reasons we recommend Maggie as a value resource is her advice is always practical and easy to implement. Good communication leads to warm relationships, cooperation, and feelings of worth. So here are some tips from Maggie for effective communication.
School closes at 1:30pm on Friday 25th February for the annual PPTA (Teacher Union) meeting. Staff are entitled to one half day, so to minimise
Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to Marcellin College. Our college is a high achieving family school founded by the Marist Brothers. We are inclusive and value every child for who they are and who they can be.
Our vision for every student achieving personal excellence is realised through the strong academic and co-curricular programme offered at the school, delivered by high quality and committed staff.
We’re excited to share with you the winners of Sydney Catholic Schools’ Lockdown Arts Festival. Themed Looking outwards from a life in lockdown, the festival celebrates the joy, creativity, optimism and resilience of our
A legacy of care unique to Catholic education has laid the foundations for a robust and positive approach to wellbeing at Sydney Catholic Schools. A HISTORY OF PASTORAL CARE Catholic schools became synonymous with