marina parent portal

by Mr. Cameron Anderson MD 8 min read

Is Illuminate Parent Portal free?

No. The Illumina te Parent Portal is a free service to Monterey Peninsula Unified School District parents.

Do you have to use Illuminate Parent Portal?

No, you do not have to use it at all. The Illuminate Parent Portal is designed to give parents access to information that may be important to them in an easy to access, consolidated format.

When will the data confirmation portal open?

The data confirmation portal will open on August 11, 2021 and will need to be completed prior to the registration. If you are new to MHS or don’t have an Aeries account, please create one so that you can continue the registration process. For help creating an account or logging in, please refer to the attached Data Confirmation Instructions.

How long does it take to register for MHS?

Please complete all previous steps prior to Registration. The registration process takes approximately 1 hour, where all students will: verify their enrollment/registration, get their course list, take a ID/Yearbook picture, receive their Chromebook (9th graders/new students), and have the opportunity to turn in the other optional forms found in Step 3. Masks required!

How many students are in Marina High School?

Marina High School is a thriving and diverse school located on the beautiful Monterey Peninsula. With a student body of approximately 600 students, Marina High prides itself on being tight-knit.

Who is the superintendent of Monterey Bay Family Guide 2021-2022?

HOT OFF THE PRESS: The Best of Monterey Bay Family Guide 2021-2022 published by the Monterey County Weekly is in the field. Superintendent PK Diffenbaugh engages in a Q & A with reporter Celia Jiménez. (Publication is not available online. Provided is a PDF copy.)

When will MPUSD keep 6th grade?

MPUSD Makes Move to Keep 6th Grade at Elementary Level Beginning in 2021-22. On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, our Board of Education discussed and approved the decision making timeline for the reconfiguration and consolidation of MPUSD schools.

When is the CAPrx in Monterey County?

All-In Monterey County partnered with CAPrx to make vaccinations available to MPUSD students 16 years & older at Seaside High on Wednesday, April 14 from 2 - 6 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to speak directly to a pharmacist and address any concerns. Parent/Guardian/Adult MUST be present in order for 16 and 17 year olds to receive the vaccine. Parent consent form required in order for student to receive the vaccine. This message was sent to high school families via ParentSquare.

What is the message from the superintendent on health and safety at our schools?

Message from the Superintendent on Health and Safety at our Schools: As we close the second full week of instruction, I wanted to express how excited we are to return to in person instruction and how proud I am of our school community's efforts to return to school safely. Your child's health and well being is our top priority, and I want to update you on our current health mitigation efforts, as well as increased support we are working to provide in the coming weeks.
