mariposa k12 ca us parent portal

by Alaina Schaden 8 min read

Why choose Mariposa Elementary School?

Mariposa Elementary School's staff, with excellent support and involvement of our parents and community, is committed to emphasizing academic and social achievement at the highest levels of excellence and to meeting the unique needs of all students with standards-based academics along with visual and performing-arts oriented programs.

What do we do at Mariposa?

We work on physical strength through our twice weekly Running Club. Mariposa is a safe nurturing environment where all students can find variety of opportunities for learning, building confidence, and developing responsibility.

What is the MusD Parent Portal and how does it work?

MUSD reserves the right to deny or cease access to the MUSD Parent Portal due to the abuse of the system, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data. The MUSD Parent Portal has been opened to enhance communication between the schools and parents/guardians.

Where can I find more information about Q Parent Connect?

CNUSD is excited to announce the release of the highly anticipated Q Parent Connect Mobile app, available for iOS and Andriod! View your student's profile and many more! Visit our CNUSD website to stay up to date on events and accomplishments within our school district. Please see FAQs (link top right) for more information about ParentConnection!


School Vision and Mission

Mariposa Elementary School's staff, with excellent support and involvement of our parents and community, is committed to emphasizing academic and social achievement at the highest levels of excellence and to meeting the unique needs of all students with standards-based academics along with visual and performing-arts oriented programs.

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How many usernames do parents need to access their student account?

This means that parents only need one username and password to access all their students. You will need the three pieces of required information before you can add another student to your existing account. To add a new student to an account, first, log in to Parent Portal.

How to get a black dot in parent portal?

The Parent option should have a black dot in the circle. If not, click on the circle next to Parent to insert the black dot. Type in your email address in the Email Address and Verify Email Address boxes. Type in a password that you will use each time you log in to the Parent Portal.

How to create a parent portal account?

To create a Parent Portal account you must have the following: 1. A personal email address. 2. Letter from the school site with the student's perm id number and verification code and return a signed Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy. 3. Your home phone number as it appears at the school site.

How to view Madera Unified student information?

As part of our continuing efforts to provide information regarding your student's progress and status, Madera Unified parents/guardians will be able to view student information for their students from our school database using the Aeries Parent Portal. Through our secure server , you will able to view your student's attendance and grade information. This is currently available to students in grades 1-12.

How to add a student to Home Connection?

Log into the Home Connection account that has already been created. Click on the student's name in the upper right-hand corner. Click on "Add Additional Student." Follow the process for adding a student to your account.
