marlboro k12 parent portal

by Kareem Hodkiewicz 7 min read

How do I contact Marlboro County School District?

Find Us Marlboro County School District122 Broad Street Post Office Box 947Bennettsville, SC 29512Phone: (843) 479-4016Fax: (843) 479-5944 Schools Marlboro County School District

What are the best schools in Marlboro County?

Bennettsville Primary School Blenheim Middle School of Discovery Clio Elementary School Marlboro County Adult & Community Education Marlboro County High School McColl Elementary Middle School

Is there a mask mandate in Marlboro County Schools?

(SDE: Mask Mandate Prohibition): No school district, or any of its schools, may use any funds appropriated or authorized pursuant to this act to require that its st... Marlboro County School District held their annual Back to School Bash Saturday, August 7th. Upon entry, parents registered their children for the 2021-2022 school year.

Where is the post office in Marlboro County SC?

Marlboro County School District122 Broad Street Post Office Box 947Bennettsville, SC 29512Phone: (843) 479-4016Fax: (843) 479-5944 Schools Marlboro County School District Bennettsville Intermediate School


Return to In Person Instruction Services Plan

Every school district in South Carolina has been asked to create a Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Marlboro County ...

Updated SCDHEC COVID-19 Guidance for K-12 Schools

Marlboro County School District will adhere to CDC and SCDHEC COVID-19 guidance as closely as possible. To see the updated version of SCDHEC COVID-19 Guidance for K-12 Schools, cl...

E-Learning Day (Jan. 14) Parent Information

Marlboro County School District has developed a plan for eLearning days that will engage students in online learning experiences to prevent learning loss. Understanding the value o...

School and Childcare Exclusion List: Information for Parents

The SC DHEC has updated its statutory School and Childcare Exclusion List to reflect the latest isolation and quarantine guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...

Updated CDC Guidelines for COVID Isolation

As many of you know, the CDC has recently updated their COVID isolation guidelines. In our Back to School Plan, Marlboro County School District stated that we would follow CDC rec...

Improving Literacy Skills at MCHS

Last school year, Mr. Jerry Andrews attempted to purchase a classroom set of books through a grant at Marlboro County School, due to some miscommunications with the order, the book...

New Interim Superintendent Named

Last night at our regularly scheduled School Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to hire Mr. Donald E. Andrews as Interim Superintendent. He will start his new position on ...

Business Administration Magnet Program Students

Congratulations to our Business Administration Magnet Program Students, Emma Corbin, Harris Pavlovsky, Jason Nemirov, Taylor Chodos, Benjamin Katz on their Monmouth County Consumer Bowl 1st place win.

District Announcements

The Freehold Regional High School District is proud to offer summer learning through the Summer Academy: Credit Recovery, Original Credit, AP Bridge Program, and Algebra 1 Bridge Program.
