martinsville high school martinsville va parent portal

by Prof. Vivien Thiel MD 8 min read

Is Martinsville High School a good school?

Martinsville High School is the only high school in the Martinsville City Public Schools . Martinsville High School is ranked #12,849 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.

When is the first day of school in Martinsville City public school?

This panel was held to answer questions about beginning the academic year. As a friendly reminder, the first day of school for MCPS is Monday, August 9. Dear MCPS families, Technology Help Desks have been created to assist our Martinsville City Public School families with various technology issues.

How many virtual courses are required for 9th grade students?

Students who entered the ninth grade in 2013-2014 and afterwards must also successfully complete one virtual course.

What is the Virginia Department of Education?

The Virginia Department of Education annually collects statistics on the number of students enrolled in public schools on September 30. Student counts are reported by grade assignment, race, ethnicity, disability, English proficiency, and economic status. The collection of race and ethnicity information as specified by the U.S. Department of Education is required for eligibility for federal education funds and for accountability reports. A student is reported as economically disadvantaged if he or she meets any one of the following criteria:

What is the Virginia Assessment Program?

The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.

How many career clusters are there in Virginia?

Virginia’s 16 career clusters help students investigate careers and design a rigorous and relevant plan of study to advance their career goals. Each career cluster contains multiple pathways that represent a common set of academic, technical and work-place skills. Career pathways lead to credentials that qualify students for a range of career opportunities from entry to professional level. A credential is defined as:

What is Martinsville ISD?

Martinsville ISD takes the safety of our faculty, staff, students, and community as one of our greatest responsibilities. As such, the Martinsville ISD Police Department takes proactive, multifaceted measures to ensure the safety of the campus property and its occupants both from physical security to cybersecurity.

What is the student to teacher ratio in Martinsville ISD?

Martinsville ISD has a district-wide student-to-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. This enables our students to have more one-on-one instruction with our teachers and helps our students achieve their full potential.

What are the extracurricular activities at Martinsville ISD?

These include student organizations, interscholastic contests, community events and more. We have student organizations that include Student Council, Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), National Honor Society (NHS), Christians in Action (CIA), and others. Interscholastic contests include FFA and FCCLA regional, state and national events, interscholatic academic and athletic contests, which include UIL academics, UIL One Act Play, basketball, baseball, softball, track and field, cross country, golf, and tennis. Community events include students competing in livestock shows across the state of Texas, as well as our much beloved Fall Festival, where students of all ages celebrate with the community, play games, win prizes, and eat their fill of carnival food.