mastery connect parent portal

by Mrs. Aracely Hegmann 8 min read

How do students log into mastery connect?

Go to Click on Login. Note: You can also access the login screen by typing: Click on Sign in with Google, then log in with your Google username and password—or select your account.

How do I get the mastery connect answer key?

Click the caret on the top right to sort by Alignment, Question Type, Privacy, and Scale. Hover over the assessment to view additional information, such as the scoring, standards alignment, answer key, and who created the assessment. You can also click on the assessment title to view the assessment.

How do I sync my mastery connect?

How to Setup an Automated Sync within your SISFind your SIS in Clever's list of Auto Sync instructions.Go to and follow their instructions on how to create a new account.Provide all the required information for each new SIS user.Wait for the sync to complete for the very first time.More items...

What can teachers see on mastery connect?

From this section, you'll be able to:View your trackers by name.See the number of students assigned to each tracker.Examine the standards that are aligned to each tracker.View the percentage of standards that have been assessed.Quickly see current mastery levels for assessed standards.

Can students see their answers in mastery connect?

The student will be able to see the number of correct responses and their mastery level. This can be set during the initial delivery of the benchmark, or it can be turned on for a benchmark already in progress.

How do I change my score on mastery connect?

Delete or Edit Score Click on Trackers, and select your tracker. Click on the standard title of the assessment where you want to edit scores. Highlight or click on the score to change or delete it. Press the delete key or enter the score you want to change it to.

How do I link a tracker in canvas?

If your tracker and course need to sync immediately, you can sync them manually.Open Canvas Course. Log in to your Canvas account. ... Select Linking Option. In the Select Source drop-down menu [1], click the Link an existing Tracker link [2].Enter Tracker Details. ... Manage Tracker. ... Unlink Tracker. ... Confirm Unlink Tracker.

How do I add a curriculum map to mastery connect?

District-approved curriculum maps cannot be copied.Open Maps. In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Maps link [1], then click the Curriculum Maps link [2].Open Add Standard. In the curriculum map, hover over the Curriculum Map Options icon [1] and select the Add Standard option [2].Add Standards.

How do I connect my mastery Connect Tracker to canvas?

Open Canvas Course Log in to your Canvas account. To log into your MasteryConnect account from Canvas, in the Global Navigation Menu, click the Mastery link [1]. In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Courses link [2]. Then click the course name link [3].

Is mastery connect good?

Is It Good for Learning? MasteryConnect offers excellent grading customization including adjustable grading scales, rubrics, performance-based assessments, bubble sheets, and GradeCam. These tools are matched with sharing features that help teachers, students, and parents track mastery of standards in real time.

How does Mastery Connect work?

MasteryConnect is a competency-based learning platform that helps teachers identify levels of understanding, target students for intervention, and inform instruction. This means teachers have more time to teach and students have more time to learn.

Is mastery connect free?

MasteryConnect is free to users, however, the company offers upgraded features for teachers at $249 a year, or for schools and districts at $7 per student per year. MasteryConnect allows teachers to keep track of student formative assessment data.

What is mastery connect?

MasteryConnect#N#MasteryConnect is a proficiency-based learning tool that allows teachers to track, use and share student learning. MasteryConnect keeps track of student understanding of the Missouri Learning Standards - the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success. Parents can access MasteryConnect to monitor your child’s progress.

How does Mastery Connect work?

Mastery Connect organizes assessments by standards. At the top of each standard’s window is a copy of the standard, usually followed by a short description of that standard. Below that is the list of assessments your student completed for that standard. The assessments are organized left to right, oldest to newest. By default, Mastery Connect uses the most recent assessment as the driver for the reported student achievement level located in the upper left corner of each standard. In other words, the color of the last assessment to the (bottom) right should match the color of the box in the upper left corner.

What grades does MasteryConnect work?

MasteryConnect is used in grades K-5 for ELA and math progress reporting. It is used across all subjects in grades 6-8.
