matamata college parent portal login

by Helmer Yost MD 5 min read

How do I enroll my child to Matamata College?

We look forward to working with and supporting you during your child’s transition to Matamata College. There is no login required for this page, simply click on the “Start Enrolment Application’ button. Please note, the first day of school 2022 is Tuesday 1 February.

What is happening at Matamata College?

You may be aware that there was an incident at Matamata College this morning that resulted in us going into lockdown. The matter is now under control and there is no risk to students or staff. The matter is now being dealt with by police. We ask for calm heads and to allow us to follow our school processes. ... See More See Less

What is whakatauki Matamata?

Our school whakatauki is “Ma mahi, ka ora” which means “by work we prosper”. Simply, this means that the more work that you put in and the more you get involved in everything that Matamata College offers, the more you will enjoy school and the more success you will have. Tena koutou katoa and welcome to Matamata College.


Student Enrolments

Here you will find all the information you need to know about the various year levels, Year 9-13. This includes Subject Options Booklets, and Admission forms.

New Students are always welcome!

Are you thinking of enrolling at Matamata College? Check out the Matamata College Student Experience to learn more about our school.


Welcome to the Springfield College Parent Portal. This site allows parents and authorized guests to view and manage their student's Springfield College financial information:

Contact Info

Student Accounts Administration Building, 1st Floor Phone: 413-748-3183 Email:
