mcps schools parent portal

by Dr. Ruth Schiller IV 10 min read

What kind of programs does MCPS offer?

Governor's STEM Academy Grants & Research Library Mathematics MCPS High School Program of Studies MCPS Middle School Program of Studies Physical Education,Health, Family Life & Driver's Education Preschool Reading/Title I Science Social Studies Testing Textbooks Parent Resource Sites SBO Conference Room Calendars Virtual School Advisory Committees

How do I Find Your School Zone parents?

Find Your School Zone Parents Enroll at MCPS Registration Instructions School Listing Find Your School Zone Help with Google Attendance Calendar School Calendar Listing Code of Conduct Emergency Info Fees Lunch Menus Homeless Info Parent Portal Mobile Apps Parent Resources School Health SCHOOL ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS

How do I Reset my Password in the parent portal?

Enter your username and email address that were used to establish the account and you will recieve an email allowing you to reset your password. The Parent Portal has a blue header running across the upper portion of the screen.


Parent Resources

Specific examples and guidance for mathematics curriculum by grade and subject.

Family Math Support Center

Specific examples and guidance for mathematics curriculum by grade and subject.

What is a parent portal in Manassas City?

Manassas City Public Schools (MCPS) Parent Portal provides parents/guardians with 24-hour access to their child (ren)’s grades, attendance and demographic information. MCPS also utilizes this portal as a gateway for parents/guardians to annually update their information in its student information system.

How many accounts can you link to a parent portal?

You can link up to seven different accounts. When you are finished, click Enter. After you click Enter, you will be brought to the Student and Parent Sign In page where you can access your Parent Portal Account.
