melinda heights elementary parent portal

by Prof. Anahi Willms DVM 10 min read

2021-2022 Attendance and Office Information

Please remember to call the Melinda Heights 24-hour attendance hotline before 9:00 am at (949) 888-7311 and select Option One.

Valid Excuse

A valid excuse is defined as an illness, quarantine, medical or dental appointment, funeral attendance, court or Religious observance.

Early Dismissal

Any student leaving school 30 minutes early without a valid excuse (illness, medical appointment) must be marked “unexcused.” Dismissals from the Health Office will be excused.

Truant Tardy

Any student arriving more than 30 minutes late without a valid excuse is considered “Truant Tardy.”

Tardy Letter

Parents will receive a tardy letter when a student reaches 5, 10, 15, and 20 tardies.

Truant Letter

Parents will receive an Unexcused/Truancy letter when a student reaches 3, 6, and 10 unexcused absences or truants: this includes unexcused absences, unexcused early dismissals, or truant tardies.

14 Day Absence Letter

Parents will receive a 14-day absence letter when a child reaches 14 absences, whether excused or unexcused. After 14 days, a doctor’s note is required to excuse any further absences.
