miami dade parent portal volunteer

by Kirstin Stehr 6 min read

How can a parent/guardian participate in the volunteer program?

Note: If you are a Parent/Guardian with a joint Parent Account, and both Parents/Guardians would like to participate in the volunteer program, one Parent/ Guardian will use the Parent Account to apply for the volunteer program through the Parent Portal.

How do I log out of the school volunteer program portal?

From the School Volunteer Programapplication, ▼ Click the Applications/Sitestab From the Applications/Sitespage, ▼ Click the Logoutbutton, in the upper right corner of the page The Message “You have successfully logged off of the system”will display. ▼ Click the in the upper right corner to close the page You are now logged out of the Portal.

What information is required to register as a school volunteer?

The Volunteer Registrationpage will display the first time the applicant (Parent/Guardian or Community Member) accesses the School Volunteer Program application. Volunteer applicants must complete required fields which include, Name, DOB, SSN, Address, Emergency Contact Name, Emergency Contact #, and Ethnicity.

How do I access the dadeschools portal?

To access the Portal, ▼ Openthe Internet browser ▼ Type ▼ Click Communitytab or Parenttab On the Communityor Parentpage, ▼ Click Login to Portal The Portal Accesspage displays. ▼ Typeyour user name ▼ Typeyour password ▼ Press Enter


How to volunteer at Miami Dade Parks?

To participate, volunteers must first create a volunteer account online at Miami-Dade Parks Park Link. There select the category Volunteer Opportunities then select the sub-category Park Service Day Volunteers and view all the available coastal cleanup volunteer activities taking place in the next couple of months.

What is Park Link?

Now introducing Park Link, a new online catalog of full of programs and activities currently being offered at Miami-Dade Parks! From volunteering to summer camps, to kayaking tours, Park Link connects you to your next park adventure.

Does Miami Dade County Parks have a background check?

Miami-Dade County Parks welcomes individuals looking to complete court-mandated service. All court-mandated volunteers are subject to background screening. Court-mandated service can be completed at one of the following eight locations:

Back-to-School Resources

District programs, policies, and procedures for the 2021-2022 school year.

Student Registration and Enrollment

Enroll and register students to school, and view information regarding enrollment status.

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Search Dadeschools' database for nearby schools, magnet programs, career academics, and more.

COVID-19 Dashboard

Online resource of information, updates, and latest news related to COVID-19.

What is the message for level 1 service activities?

For Level 1 service activities, the message: “Your application is pending approval at SAMPLE LOCATION NAME. Please visit the location’s volunteer coordinator with a photo ID for final approval.”will display. The date and time will also be displayed. For Level 2 service activities, please follow the instructions in the Messagessection for the fingerprinting process. You can select additional activities at other schools while you wait for Level 2 approval (fingerprinting).

Can a parent/guardian volunteer through the parent portal?

Note: If you are a Parent/Guardian with a joint Parent Account, and both Parents/Guardians would like to participate in the volunteer program, one Parent/ Guardian will use the Parent Account to apply for the volunteer program through the Parent Portal. The other Parent/Guardian must register through the Community Portal to obtain a Community Account. With the Community Account, apply for the volunteer program in the Community Portal. [See the Community Account Registration Process user guide, step by step instruc- tions:]

What is a Dade partner?

Dade Partner - Employees of a business or organization that has adopted a school and serve as school volunteers to provide support and resources.

What is a media center volunteer?

Media Center/ Technology Volunteer - Assists students in utilizing the media center including accessing digital resources, computers and other technology.

What is an arts volunteer?

Arts Volunteer - Supports the arts teaching staff in the areas of music (including band , chorus, etc.), art, drama, and dance, with daily operations, special programs or events.
