michigan great lakes virtual academy parent portal

by Prof. Aileen Dooley 5 min read

What is Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy?

Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy (MGLVA) is a full-time online public school for K–12 students. We're dedicated to inspiring and empowering students through an education experience tailored to each child's needs. What is Stride Career Prep?

Why choose Great Lakes online high school?

Because Great Lakes courses are offered throughout the year—during the fall, spring, and summer sessions—our online high school provides school students in Michigan three flexible graduation pacing options for meeting state education standards. Students take a full course load in the fall and spring sessions.

Does Great Lakes Learning Academy have chromebooks?

No Wait List! Now enrolling for the 21/22 School Year Free Chromebooks Included with Enrollment! Great Lakes Learning Academy is more than a fully accredited online school, it’s a tight-knit school community offering all the services and resources needed to create an individualized student experience.

Does Great Lakes Learning Academy comply with the family educational rights and privacy?

As a public-school academy, Great Lakes Learning Academy complies with this act. Please note that student information is private and protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you have an FOIA request, please submit it in writing, either in person, or using mail, fax, or email.


Five Simple Steps to Enroll

The Parent Portal provides access to your online application, real-time alerts, and quick links to important info.

Eligibility Requirements

Kindergarten students must be age 5 by September 1 of the upcoming school year. View the Kindergarten Enrollment Policy [PDF].

What is MGLVA in Michigan?

The Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy (MGLVA) elementary program serves students in grades K–5 who reside in the state of Michigan.

What is a class connect?

Teachers provide individual and small group assistance via online synchronous sessions called "Class Connects". Students are expected to attend all required Class Connects and meet with their teacher to receive course assistance, tutoring, and instruction. Class Connects vary by grade level and are scheduled by your teacher.

What does a parent do as a learning coach?

You'll work with your child's teacher to help record student attendance, monitor mastery of online lessons and assessments, and review student work.

What is the Freedom of Information Act in Michigan?

Under Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act* (FOIA), people can view or obtain copies of most public records of public organizations by written request. As a public-school academy, Great Lakes Learning Academy complies with this act.

Is Great Lakes Learning Academy accredited?

Great Lakes Learning Academy is more than a fully accredited online school, it’s a tight-knit school community offering all the services and resources needed to create a well-rounded student experience. Great Lakes Learning Academy gives students throughout Michigan the flexibility to learn at home with award-winning curriculum ...

What is MGLVA in Michigan?

The Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy (MGLVA) middle school program serves students in grades 6–8 who reside in the state of Michigan.

What is the role of parent in middle school?

But parent involvement is still critical to student success. As a parent, you (or another responsible adult you choose) serve as your child's Learning Coach.

Do students have to attend class connects?

Students are expected to attend all required Class Connects and meet with their teacher to receive course assistance, tutoring, and instruction. Class Connects vary by grade level and are scheduled by your teacher.

Who is eligible to attend Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy (MGLVA)?

MGLVA offers full-time enrollment for students in grades K–12. Kindergarteners must be five years old before September 1 of the current year to be eligible for the program.

Does MGLVA offer dual enrollment?

Yes. Students who have met the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) graduation requirements and who have not aged out may participate in dual enrollment. Students can be enrolled in some college classes paid for by MGLVA, but the colleges and courses are subject to approval by the school.

How many of my children can I enroll in MGLVA?

Because MGLVA provides the lesson plans and materials needed for grades K–12, many parents find it easy to enroll multiple children in the program.

What does it cost to attend MGLVA?

MGLVA is a public school, so there is no tuition. We provide Michigan-certified teachers and instructional materials. Students and families will be responsible for providing some common household materials (such as printer ink and paper). Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

What is the attendance policy?

As Michigan public school students, all MGLVA students must comply with the state-required 180 instructional days. Attendance responsibilities are as follows:

Experience the Support of Seasoned School Leadership

Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy (MGLVA) administrators represent some of Michigan's leading professionals in school management. They're ready to share their innovation, expertise, and enthusiasm with your family and are dedicated to empowering our school community.

Team Up with Certified-Teachers, Trained in Online Education

The state-certified teachers at MGLVA have experience in traditional school settings as well as training in online instruction. Our teachers are excellent resources, actively involved in your student’s personalized learning as well as available to assist you as the Learning Coach.
