michigan state university parent portal

by Jaime Jacobson 3 min read

What is the MSU Student Parent Resource Center?

The MSU Student Parent Resource Center offers a supportive environment to obtain information and resources for ALL student parents and their families on and off campus. Our staff combines expertise and experience in college course instruction, academic advising, and referrals to community resources for a variety of services.

How do I access MSU's student information system?

To access the Student Information System, you need an MSU Two-Factor Authentication account. Visit the MSU Two-Factor Authentication website for more information about what this is and how to set up an account. Welcome to MSU's Student Information System! This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University.

What is MSU's SIS?

Welcome to MSU's Student Information System! This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. The Student Information System (SIS) supports students throughout their academic journey at MSU as well as the staff who assist them.

What do I need to access MSU distance learning?

Everything you need to access MSU Distance Learning. The Student Information System (SIS) is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools. View your degree progress, schedules, financial aid, current bills and more! For your historical documents, like bills, visit StuInfo.msu.edu .

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We've compiled the following information which we hope will be helpful. If you can't find what you need on our website, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Five things to know as your kid bolts for college

In this article from Rick Shipman, MSU's Director of Financial Aid, he describes how parents can help prepare their students as they plan to pay for a college education.

Parent PLUS loans

Parents of dependent undergraduate students may be eligible to borrow a federal Parent PLUS loan. A FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be on file for the student for the aid year in which you intend to borrow.

Guest access

Students can grant permission to parents or other interested parties to view their financial aid awards online via StuInfo. The guest must have a valid email address. Due to privacy regulations, only the student can grant this permission. For more information, see our guest access page.

Security questions in StuInfo

To verify a caller’s identity when discussing private financial aid information over the phone, the Office of Financial Aid requires that the person first answer a set of security questions in StuInfo . All students who receive financial aid and wish to discuss their private information with our staff by phone must complete this process.

Email newsletter

If you would like to receive emails from our office containing important financial aid information, billing deadlines, and other related items, please consider subscribing to our newsletter. You may also browse through the newsletter archive on our website.

Who We Are

The MSU Student Parent Resource Center offers a supportive environment to obtain information and resources for ALL student parents and their families on and off campus. Our staff combines expertise and experience in college course instruction, academic advising, and referrals to community resources for a variety of services.

Meet the SPRC Staff

Kimberly Steed-Page is the Director of the Student Parent Resource Center at MSU. She also serves as a per-course instructor in the School Social Work.

Welcome to MSU's Student Information System!

This is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. The Student Information System (SIS) supports students throughout their academic journey at MSU as well as the staff who assist them.


From Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd, our business offices will not be hosting in-person meetings, or responding to phone calls and emails. We will return to normal business operations on Tuesday, January 4th.

What is MSU committed to?

MSU is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community characterized by caring and respect for others. This promise extends to you whether you are a student, faculty or staff member, patient or visitor.

What is the student information system?

The Student Information System is your gateway to academic records, resources and tools at Michigan State University. Over the course of this academic year additional activities and academic tools will be phased into SIS.
