mid valley parent portal

by Mr. Tanner Walker V 6 min read

Who are the school administrators at Valley Middle School?

Valley Middle School Administration Principal: Mr. Gregg Desiderio Vice Principal: Ms. Jacqueline Micari-Christiano School Nurse: Silvia Della Iacono Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Matthew Myones Anti-bullying Specialists: Ms. Elizabeth Connolly Ms. Lauren Binder Mr. Mark Sinclair

How do I self-enroll in Mid-Valley Hospital&Clinic?

For information prior to October 14, 2019, please use Previous Patient Portals. Self-enrollment is available for Mid-Valley Hospital & Clinic patients who are 13 years or older. Click HERE to self-enroll! If you manage the health care of another person, for example your child, provide your email address to a member of our health care team.

When will the new health patient portal be available?

The NEW Health Patient Portal only includes medical information that has been added after October 14, 2019. For information prior to October 14, 2019, please use Previous Patient Portals. Self-enrollment is available for Mid-Valley Hospital & Clinic patients who are 13 years or older. Click HERE to self-enroll!

Does miDmiD-Valley use Cerner health?

Mid-Valley uses Cerner Health to give you access to your own medical record, connect with our health care team and more! You may also access information for family members and individuals for whom you provide care for. (When granted access) The NEW Health Patient Portal only includes medical information that has been added after October 14, 2019.


Workshops & Activities

Take a look at the calendar to find upcoming workshops and activities being offered in your area.


Visit this page for more resources, activities, and information to support parents in the development of their children.

Upcoming Events

Use our Suggest an Event form to give us details about the event, its location, and upload a flyer.
