middlebury union middle school parent portal

by Euna Hahn 10 min read

Why choose Middlebury Community Schools?

Middlebury Community Schools offers all students a wonderful educational experience delivered by dedicated staff in an exciting and engaging learning environment. We partner with parents and members of the community, striving to maintain the standard of excellence that our community expects. We are proud of the past and excited about the future!

When will the new Middlebury Community Schools contract go into effect?

On March 29, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in the Middlebury Community Schools’ Administration Office located at 56853 Northridge Drive, Middlebury Indiana, the Board of School Trustees will meet to discuss and hear from the public objections to and support for the proposed contract, which will be effective from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024.

How do I apply to be a Middlebury Community Schools teacher?

Those interested in being considered for this vacancy should submit (1) a letter of interest, and (2) a completed candidate questionnaire by November 10, 2021 to the address below or submitted digitally through the Middlebury Community Schools website.

Who is the new superintendent of Middlebury Community Schools?

Keeping our children safe is our number one priority! Pending official approval at its April 13 board meeting, the MCS Board of School Trustees announces Dr. Jayson Snyder as the new Superintendent of Middlebury Community Schools effective July 1, 2021.


The Sound of Music

OUR MISSION All students will graduate as independent, life-long learners possessing the knowledge, skills, and qualities necessary to be contributing members of the local and global community.

Navigating ManageBac - Using the Student Account

This video focuses on using the student account. Parents will see the most information by logging into their student's account .

How to get a candidate questionnaire for Middlebury Community Schools?

Candidate questionnaires can be obtained by contacting the Middlebury Community Schools administration building at 574.825.9425 or mastk@mcsin-k12.org, or found on the Middlebury Community Schools website.

How long does it take to file an objection to a Middlebury school budget?

Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Middlebury Community Schools not more than seven days after the hearing.

When will Middlebury Community Schools start virtual learning?

This is an important message from Middlebury Community Schools. Beginning Monday, November 9, students in grades 6-12 will move to virtual learning until November 30. There will not be in-person learning for 6th-12th grade students until after Thanksgiving. This only applies to middle school and high school students.

When will Middlebury Community Schools meet in 2021?

(Local Time) on May 4, 2021, to consider the following additional appropriation of the bonds (the "Bonds") which the Board has determined to issue. The Board considers such additional appropriation necessary to meet the need existing at this time:

How long is the superintendent contract in Indiana?

Agreement Length: The superintendent’s contract is for a term of 36 months. The proposed contract can be canceled by the Board of School Trustees for the reasons set out in Indiana statute.

Why do we want to make sure everyone receives this information?

We want to make sure that everyone receives this information in order to clear up confusion in the future.

Has the IDOH been extended?

Governor Holcomb has extended his current executive order until December 1, 2021. In this continued Order, the Governor directs the Commissioner of the IDOH to evaluate, and modify where warranted, the provisions related to covid mitigation. As of now, the IDOH has not altered any of the current requirements. Middlebury Community Schools will monitor, and if the IDOH makes any adjustments, we would share those with the Board of School Trustees. For the time being, the extension of this Order and the unchanged IDOH requirements mean that our current covid mitigation practices will remain in place.
