middlesex genesis parents portal

by Kadin Muller Jr. 5 min read

How do I access the Genesis Parent Portal?

We open the Genesis Parent Portal late August, each year. How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information? If you have provided your child's school main office with an email address, then you will receive a Genesis system generated email with your username (email address provided) and password.

Where can I see Romeo and Juliet in Middlesex County?

Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” will be presented outdoors by the School of the Arts on the East Brunswick Campus of the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools. Our schools offer a unique educational opportunity to students.

How do I find my genesis student login ID?

Your Genesis student login ID is the same as your google account. Firstinitial lastname12@mpsdnj.us. The number represents the year of graduation. For example jsmith12@mpsdnj.us.

Will Genesis accounts automatically be linked if I have multiple students?

Will Genesis accounts automatically be linked if I have multiple students attending school in South Brunswick schools? Yes, the first screen you will seen is your child's Student Data Summary. This is your child's Dashboard screen. You will see a 'dashboard' for every child linked to your login. All your children will be on one screen.


Stakeholder Survey - Mask Mandate - Please Complete by 5 PM Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Governor Murphy has announced his decision to lift the face mask mandate in schools effective March 7, 2022 and will place the decision regarding the use of masks with each LEA. We would like your input as the District considers making adjustments to our mask requirements as well as other safety protocols in our Safe Return Plan.

Board of Education Meeting Notice January 24, 2022

The Middlesex Board of Education has changed its regular public meeting on Monday, January 24, 2022 from 7:00 PM to 6:00 PM for an Executive Session to discuss a private/confidential student matter. The Board will open the meeting at 6:00 PM, at which time the Board will convene into Executive Session.


The link below contains the Middlesex Borough Public School District ARP ESSER LEA Plan for Use Of Funds.

The Road Forward

The Safe Return Plan, FAQ's, Chapter 27 Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Programs and more.

What to do if you don't have an email address for Genesis?

If you have not provided an email address for communication you will need to contact your child's school main office to provide an email address to receive the Genesis system generated email with your username and password.

Does Genesis have a mobile app?

No, Genesis does not have mobile app. You may choose to bookmark the URL with a shortcut on your mobile device to make logging in easier. After consulting the guide, if you are still having difficulty with the Genesis Parent Portal,, please use the Genesis Parent Portal Online Help Desk through this link: http://tinyurl.com/genesishelpdesk.

Is Genesis Parent Portal secure?

Please use the following information to help you get started with, and continue using, the Genesis Parent Portal. It is a secure system so please keep all of the information confidential.

Can parents monitor their child's grades?

Parents K-12 will be able to monitor their child's attendance and view report cards. Middle and High School Parents are able to frequently monitor their child's progress and teachers can use their gradebook to give parents and students information on academic progress and attendance.

Middle-school students invited to competitions at Edison Academy

Middle-schoolers are being invited to four academic competitions by students at Middlesex County’s Edison Academy.

Edison Academy engineering teacher retiring after more than 20 years

Enzo Paterno had 25 years of experience in industry when he changed careers to teach electrical and computer engineering at the Middlesex County Academy for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies in Edison.

Student-Centered Education

Our schools offer a unique educational opportunity to students. Our approach features small learning communities that enhance student performance and achievement. MCVTS schools are dedicated to maximizing the skills of each and every student by creating a community that fosters educational exploration.

We are the Community

Nearly 8500 residents from the 25 municipalities in Middlesex County attend our programs. We are citizens, parents, staff, and students deeply committed to career and technical education.


State and federal statutes and regulations prohibit school districts from discriminatory practices in employment, educational and vocational education opportunities against any person by reason of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, age, English proficiency, sexual preference, marital status or veteran status.

What is parent access in Genesis?

Parent Access is a component of Genesis — our student information system. It allows us to provide you with a safe and secure way to view academic information about your children in one portal via the Internet. Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information:

What information do you need to know about your child's grade?

Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information: Your child’s schedule, and daily attendance record. Your child’s class attendance (grades 6 – 12) Your child’s discipline information. Your child's marking period, mid-term exam, final exam and final grades.

Do all students in grades 6-12 have access to their own account?

All students in grades 6 - 12 have their own access accounts. Because of this there is no need to let them use your account or give them your password. Student accounts do NOT have the ability to see contact information or sign forms electronically, but they can see everything else the parent account can see.

Can parents receive emails?

Parents can receive emails or text messages automatically for the following actions: A new form has been posted for you (Messages) A new document has been posted for you (Messages) A grade has been updated in a teacher’s gradebook (Gradebook grades) A letter has been generated for one of your children (Letters)
