midway elementary school activation key for parent portal

by Lola Beahan 8 min read

What is a school entry health form?

A School Entrance Health Form, MCH 213G, completed by a licensed physician, licensed nurse practitioner, or licensed physician’s assistant regarding the child, must be presented at the time of enrollment. The three-part form includes Part I-Health Information Form, Part II Certification of Immunization, and Part III-Comprehensive Physical Examination Report. The report must indicate that the child has received a comprehensive physical examination performed within the twelve months prior to the date the child first enters a public kindergarten or elementary school (K-5). The physical examination report must include “Recommendations to School” and other information as required by school division policy.

What is an ECP in school?

The ECP helps assure consistent, safe health care for the student, and provides documentation regarding the extent of services provided. Please have the forms completed and returned to your child’s school, if needed.

How old do you have to be to go to kindergarten in Dinwiddie County?

Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 30.

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A Message from Our Principal

On behalf of the staff at Midway Elementary School I am happy to welcome you to the new school year. The staff at MES is looking forward to an outstanding school year in helping our students excel at the highest level. We know that in order for a student to be successful our children need support at home and school.