mifflinburg school district parent portal

by Aiyana Smitham 9 min read

Who can get an account at Mifflinburg?

Before getting started, consider the following comments. All legal guardians and natural parents of Mifflinburg students with correspondence rights qualify for an account. Household papers were sent home on the first day of school to verify all such individuals.

What are the schools in Mifflinburg PA?

Mifflinburg Area High School Mifflinburg Area Middle School Mifflinburg Area Intermediate School Mifflinburg Elementary School Mifflinburg eLearning Academy Sign In Register Search Our Site Home COVID-19 Info COVID-19 Health Presentation with Area Doctors Face Covering Order from PA Department of Health

Why choose mitmifflinburg area schools?

Mifflinburg Area Schools are a community dedicated to an inspiring educational program that enables all students, as lifelong learners, to reach their potential, demonstrating citizenship in a global society.


Guest Teacher Program

Substitute teacher training is available via one-day virtual sessions provided by the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit . See more information provided.

Grandparent Caregiver Support Program

Information on available programs for grandparents supporting their grandchildren.

What is a research based computer courseware?

Research based computer courseware used daily by students to enhance instruction. Standards based Mathematics Program. Computer labs for use by students during and after school hours. 1:1 Student devices for use while at school and at home. Student assistance labs in reading, writing and mathematics.

What is middle school?

MIDDLE SCHOOL. Core subjects include a balanced literacy program and a standards-based math program to develop basic reading, writing and math skills. Practical arts classes are offered in art, music, family and consumer science and technology education. The middle school also is pleased to offer:

Is Mifflinburg Area School District open?

Mifflinburg Area School District’s programs are open and available to all students. The district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, disability or political affiliation in administering its educational policies and programs.

Who can inspect a student's file?

Only school personnel may inspect a student’s file. Consent from the parent or student over 18 is necessary before information is released outside the school system. Some information, such as student’s course of study, school activities and photo, is designated consent.

Staff Portal

If you are experiencing technical issues upon using the Employee Portal for the first time, directions are provided at the top of this page. If you are experiencing additional logon problems, contact the Payroll department at the Administrative Office.

Faculty Remote Access

Paste the following URL into your browser's address bar for directions. https://www.mifflinburg.org/cms/lib/PA02209260/Centricity/shared/school documents/facultyremoteaccessdirections.pdf

School Dude for Requesters

This link is used by B&G employees and administrators to enter Maintenance requests OR for district staff to enter an IT Incident. User ID must be entered in the form of masd\9999 for employee 9999. The password is your regular network password.

SchoolDude for Non-requester

User ID must be entered in the form of masd\9999 for employee 9999. The password is your regular network password.
