milton gottesman parent portal

by Dr. Michele Rowe MD 10 min read

Centre Connection

Centre Connection, Milton’s online parent newsletter is published five times each year through the efforts of the Milton Academy Communications Office and Parents’ Association volunteers.

Milton Magazine

Milton Magazine seeks to increase awareness of the School’s character, sustained excellence and distinguishing features through high quality writing and photography, and the discussion of important and thought-provoking ideas.

Has your contact information changed?

Please log in to myMilton to update your family’s contact information, or send your address, phone or email address changes to

The Milton Parents Association is entirely volunteer led and run. Meet the Milton parents who help make it possible!

Want to get involved? Contact the MPA to learn more and volunteer today!

Program Chairs

Staff Appreciation: Janice Eisenberg, Natalie Graham, Sarah Rabin Spira, Rachel Strauss, and Elianna Yolkut

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayishlach

In this parasha, Yaakov confronts Eisav, wrestles with a “man” who blesses him by changing his name to Yisrael, loses his wife Rachel in childbirth, and experiences the trauma of the incident with his daughter Deena. The Torah and the rabbis place great import on the meaning of a name. We first learn of the […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayetzei

In this parasha, Yaakov flees to his uncle Lavan’s household and lives there for several years, marrying Lavan’s daughters, Leah and Rachel, and establishing a large family. This is the beginning of a section of the Torah about which we can quote Bible scholar Andrew Lloyd Weber: “Strange as it seems, there’s been a run […]

How do I proceed?

Please read through the following steps that outline Milton’s admission process. The open houses and tours are not required to apply but are recommended. The due date for applications for the 2022-2023 school year is January 12, 2022. After this date, please email to check if the grade (s) you’re interested in still have space available. Please also contact with any questions about the application process.

When are 2022 school applications due?

The due date for applications for the 2022-2023 school year is January 12, 2022 . Once this date has passed, please contact if you are interested in applying to see if space may still be available.

When do you have to submit an evaluation for Hebrew school?

Applicants to Grades 2 – 5 must submit an evaluation from their primary teacher and a Hebrew teacher (if the student is coming from a Jewish day school or attends Hebrew School) by January 18th.

Does Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School discriminate?

Milton does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law in the administration of its educational, admission, and personnel policies, tuition assistance programs, or athletic and other school-administered programs.

Who must submit a transcript release form to their child’s current school?

All parents/guardians must submit a transcript release form to their child’s current school authorizing them to send all school records directly to Milton.
