milton high school parent portal

by Caden Wiza I 8 min read

How do I contact the Milton High School Principal?

Milton High School 114 W. High Street Milton, WI 53563 Phone (608) 868-9300 Attendance Line (608) 868-9340 Fax (608) 868-9399 Weather Left Navigation Site Search You are currently on this page - Milton High School Principal's Welcome Freshmen Academic Planning MHS Report Card Staff News and Announcements Academic and Career Plan (ACP)

Why choose Milton High School?

The mission of Milton High School is to cultivate a supportive environment that graduates students who are equipped to reach their potential and contribute to the global community by engaging them in a rigorous, enriching educational program that emphasizes respect, achievement, and citizenship.

What are the hours of Milton High School?

Milton High School hours. 7:35 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. Milton High School is the proud home to over 1,100 students and more than 100 staff members. We pride ourselves on providing an exceptional educational experience for students in grades 9-12, with opportunity, achievement, and community engagement present in all that we do.

What are the new rules for students at Milton College?

ALL STUDENTS will be required to have their school issued ID with them while on campus. Beginning 2nd Semester, Milton will have a NO LOITERING POLICY during class changes from 8:20AM until 3:30PM. The means that ALL students must be CONTINUOUSLY MOVING during ALL class changes.


Centre Connection

Centre Connection, Milton’s online parent newsletter is published five times each year through the efforts of the Milton Academy Communications Office and Parents’ Association volunteers.

Milton Magazine

Milton Magazine seeks to increase awareness of the School’s character, sustained excellence and distinguishing features through high quality writing and photography, and the discussion of important and thought-provoking ideas.

Has your contact information changed?

Please log in to myMilton to update your family’s contact information, or send your address, phone or email address changes to

Parent Registration Instructions

Please complete the Registration while logged in to your own (Parent) Sports/Engine account. The first screen will say "Who Are You Registering?" and IT SHOULD BE THE PARENT'S NAME.

Parent Checklist for the 2022 Season-UPDATES COMING SOON!

1) Complete the PARENT Registration Team collection point for emergency contact info, allergy/medical issues info, and allows us to place you in a communication group for your team. Your player completes a separate registration.

Want to earn a REFUND on your player fees? HELP US HELP YOU

The Sponsor Signboards that you see in front of the stadium are Milton Baseball’s largest fundraiser, second only to the Fall Raffle. We need your help to sell new signs and renew existing advertising.


Our generous No-Hitter Sponsor, Knuckie's, has put together a great deal if you'd like to provide Knuckie's boxed meals for your team. See the flyer below.


Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Milton High School Baseball experience during each sporting season.


Keep connected to your team (s). Get schedules and team updates for every athlete in the house, plus a way to message other members on your team and a way to give coaches a heads up about practice. Enjoy unlimited access to scores & stats, photo/video sharing, and more.


2022 AP exam registration is underway for students who are enrolled in brand new 2nd semester AP courses only (THIS TYPE OF REGISTRATION IS NOT FOR ANY STUDENT WHO HAS BEEN ENROLLED IN A YEAR-LONG FACE TO FACE (F2F) OR GAVS AP COURSE (S) SINCE AUGUST 2021).


When students return to school for face-to-face instruction on Monday, January 10, 2022, EVERY student will be issued a STUDENT IDENTIFICATION (ID) CARD. The STUDENT ID’s will be distributed through your student’s ADVISEMENT CLASS (see schedule below). ALL STUDENTS will be required to have their school issued ID with them while on campus.


Harper Hancuff, Aaron Kaminer and Dave Guthutu competed in the Special Olympics State games on Saturday, January 29. All 3 placed 1st in their respective lifts!

2021-2022 Winter Keystone Exam Parent Information

See the following letter for information regarding the upcoming Winter Keystones. Winter 2021-2022 Keystones – Parent Letter Please refer to the following supplemental documents: Test Security Code of Conduct Calculator Policy Parent and Guardian Information

Investigation Update

Greetings Families, In-person instruction will resume tomorrow in all school buildings. After a thorough investigation, we are comfortable returning to normal school operations. Again, we would like to thank you for your outreach, the use of our school communication systems, Read Full Post…

Communication Update

At this point in the evening, it has been determined that there is no immediate threat to the safety of students and staff. The investigation continues with the Milton Area School District and Milton Borough Police Department working collaboratively to Read Full Post…

Supreme Court Ruling

Hello Families, Today, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court extended the duration of the mask mandate to December 8, 2021. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral argument on the appeal on December 8, 2021, and the Court may or may not Read Full Post…
