mindplay parent portal

by Miss Nakia Wolff PhD 5 min read

How do I log into MindPlay?

Aug 16, 2019•KnowledgeGetting started: go to: www.mindplay.com/​Click on LOGIN button. Click on TEACHER Login button.Enter Email address (OR School ID, Username AND Password)

Is MindPlay free?

You can try it for free also. Plans start as low as $25/month.

Is MindPlay a good reading program?

”We tried mindplay for the first time this year and have renewed. This program fills in all the gaps in reading, phonics and fluency that we had. The kids like earning their rewards and the reports are easy to read. They don't love the phonics, but it is helping their reading and spelling.

How old is MindPlay?

Since 1986, MindPlay has taught more than five million students to read. Each individualized reading plan starts with a reading screening, to determine your child's individual strengths and weaknesses.

How much does MindPlay cost?

Pricing and Availability For information and ordering, schools and districts can visit MindPlay at www.mindplay.com, or education resellers. The program is available from any computer with Internet access. Schools can purchase for $299 per student per year.

How do I cancel MindPlay?

Go to the website Mindplay.com/Parents and sign in. Once you have signed in, click on the edit button (pencil icon) on Students Information line. Scroll down and click on the Cancel Subscription button at the bottom.

Is MindPlay good for dyslexia?

Whether you are an educator, a psychologist, speech or language therapist, administrator, or a parent of a child with dyslexia, MindPlay's Understanding Dyslexia course will help you increase your knowledge and understanding of dyslexia.

Does MindPlay help with spelling?

MindPlay: Evidence-Based Educational Software for Reading Instruction | Student Greatly Improves Reading, Spelling, Stuttering Issues.

Reading is the key to learning

Twenty percent of high school graduates read below a fourth grade level. One in four students entering the ninth grade never finishes high school.

How Virtual Reading Coach can benefit your child

MindPlay’s Virtual Reading Coach online program engages students with content developed by experts in language, literacy and assessment.
