mission cisd parent portal account

by Jerrod Eichmann 10 min read

Why enroll with Mission CISD?

Enroll Now! Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.

Why mission Collegiate High School?

At Mission Collegiate High School, our top priority is the academic success, emotional needs, and well-being of your child. We are committed to offer an education second to none.

What is Parent Access Center?

Parent Access Center Parent Access Center is a free program available to all CISD parent/guardians that allows viewing of helpful information regarding student attendance, report cards, progress reports, daily grades, state test results, Students Achieving Excellence (SAE), discipline and available lunch money.


What is the mission of CISD?

Our Vision: Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.

What is mission high school pride?

Representing Mission High School with Eagle Pride is not just a phrase. It embodies long lived traditions and core values visible throughout the campus which include: Encourage everyone, Assist others, Give to those in need, Learn from your mistakes, Earn respect, and Strive for success.

What is the mission of CISD?

Our Vision: Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.

Who is the teacher of the year at MCHS?

MCHS Teacher of the Year, Ms. Cynthia Lopez, was recognized by the City of Alton for her outstanding dedication. Ms. Lopez was also honored as District Secondary Teacher of the Year!

What is the mission of CISD?

Our Vision: Mission CISD will prepare and inspire all students to be equipped to excel in the college and career of their choice, dominate 21st century skills in leadership, knowledge, language, and technology to compete in a global economy and serve as successful citizens in their community.

How to maximize your child's success?

To maximize your child’s success, emphasize the importance of education through the following: • Ensure that your child is at school on time each day. • Attend parent/teacher conferences and school events. • Monitor your child’s homework daily. • Expect and support positive behavior at school.
