At Mission Vista Academy, we focus on Personalized Learning, a philosophy that truly puts every student first by supporting them in honoring and exploring their unique skills, special gifts, talents, and aspirations.
The Vista Unified Magnet Schools Application Window is open now and runs through February 25th. If a lottery is necessary for MVHS, it will be held in early March, and offers of admission will go out in mid-March. If you have an incoming 9th grader or know of any student who would like to join MVHS next year, please share this information.
Our mission is for Parents, Teachers and Students to work together with our school to help provide programs and enrichment activities which enhance your child's learning environment!
The tours include a brief informational session led by MVHS administration, followed by a student-led tour of the campus. See the flyer attached here for more details.
The mission of the Timberwolves Foundation is to enhance, enrich, and encourage all aspects of education at MVHS and provide grants to promote the development of programs, classroom innovations, and support all school clubs.
The goal is for families to feel welcomed and cared for, and to know that we have resources available to all. Most importantly, our goal is to empower parents to become active participants in their children’s education by working collaboratively. Hermelinda's office is located in the Main Office, and her contact information is below:
The College and Career Center is hosting college and Financial Aid workshops every Tuesday from 3-4pm. Come learn about all of the available funding/grants to pay for college while also learning about the ins and outs of our in-state, out-of-state, and community college options.
In addition to celebrating Dia de los Muertos, students had a chance to learn more about French and Spanish-speaking countries and cultures.
All seniors are encouraged to do this, regardless of family income status. All too often, students hesitate to apply for college because they think it is cost-prohibitive, and on the flip side, some students think their family makes "too much" to qualify for any financial aid. Frequently, this is not the case. MVHS encourages ALL seniors to fill out the FAFSA or DreamAct application to find out what financial aid for college exists for them.
Don’t forget, mark your calendar for April 9th, 2022 “A Night of Comedy and Magic”. More information to come!!
Personalized Learning occurs as a result of mutual respect between the parent who homeschools and a caring, supportive credentialed teacher. Every student is allocated a budgeted planning amount that can be spent on the student’s specific learning needs, under the approval of their teacher. Planning amounts are paid directly to curriculum vendors and service providers.
Planning amounts are paid directly to curriculum vendors and service providers. Planning amounts can be used to navigate an authentic and dynamic personalized learning pathway by paying for computers, high quality curriculum, tutoring, and enrichment activities.
Your planning amount balance can be located in your child's MVA Homeschool Hub account. Please contact your Homeschool Teacher for assistance.
At Mission Vista Academy, we focus on Personalized Learning, a philosophy that truly puts every student first by supporting them in honoring and exploring their unique skills, special gifts, talents, and aspirations. Families and their teachers carefully select educational products, such as curriculum, technology items, supplemental enrichment materials, and field trip opportunities, as well as services, such as enrichment lessons and classes to fit their goals. Orders are approved by teachers and must be secular.
Consumables are items that the student completely uses up while they are enrolled with our school and therefore cannot be used by another student.
Course work materials, such as academic textbooks, workbooks, curriculum materials, and learning software via online or CD
All items in the following categories are considered non-consumable and must be returned as school property when you are done with them or when you withdraw from the school: Technology, Electronics, and Media (CDs/DVDs) Novels, Textbooks and Teacher Manuals. Science Equipment.