mistar parent portal berkley

by Miss Joanie McKenzie 7 min read

How do I retrieve my MISTAR parentconnection login information?

Parents can retrieve their MISTAR ParentConnection login information by clicking the reminder link (Reset Your Password) at the ParentConnection login site and entering the email address that we have on file for you. A password reset will be immediately emailed to you.

How do I contact the Berkley High School Principal?

Carolyn Cregar Assistant Principal (248) 837-8103 Important Information Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm School Hours: 8:20 am - 3:30 pm Half Day Dismissal: 11:35 am Berkley High School serves students grades 9-12 Attendance Line: 248-837-8130 Fax: 248-544-5860

What is the Berkley School District website?

Welcome to Berkley School District! Our website contains multitudes of information, from department contacts to #BerkleyDifference moments. Take a look around and learn how we inspire, empower and lead our students to be creative, curious, confident and critical thinkers.

What is the latest version of MISTAR?

The update of MISTAR to v3.9.0 has been completed, and all components are online and operational. Please contact an Oakland Schools Student Consultant should you have questions, or encounter abnormalities.


What is vaping in a cigarette?

Vaping is inhaling a water vapor that is produced by a battery-powered electronic cigarette , commonly referred to as an e-cigarette. The device has a cartridge of fluid, e-liquid or e-juice, which often contains nicotine and/or flavoring. The liquid is heated and converted into a mist that people inhale or “vape.”.

What is MESP account?

MESP is designed to assist families with preparing for higher education expenses. Parents and others can open an account for a child/beneficiary that can grow through regular contributions and through investment growth. Various investment options are available.

What is SLD in education?

A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental apha sia that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. A SLD does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing or motor disabilities; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. (34 CFR § 300.8 (c) (10))

What is Berkley School District's technology plan?

The Berkley School District Technology Plan supports the District’s mission to guide, encourage and support each and every learner by placing a strong emphasis on building technology infrastructure that will support the work of all students and staff, and by making a variety of technologies readily available to all. Many schools have also pursued initiatives to increase student and staff access to technology.

What is the EPA notification for asbestos?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each year, district workers and building occupants receive notification about asbestos activities such as response actions and inspections. The purpose of this correspondence is to meet those requirements and familiarize you with the asbestos related activities that have been conducted in Berkley School District during the past year.

What is the role of the IEP team in special education?

Likewise, The IEP team will determine the goals, modifications, supports, services, and programs that are most appropriate to meeting the needs of the student.

What are some examples of interventions?

Examples include changing the method of instruction, providing the child with additional help, and behavior notes sent home daily to parents. In many cases, these interventions are exactly what children need to be more successful.

Support Resources

Online Help: Available by clicking on the Help link within the ParentConnection application (once logged in)

Parent Login Information

Parents can retrieve their MISTAR ParentConnection login information by clicking the reminder link (Reset Your Password) at the ParentConnection login site and entering the email address that we have on file for you.

Email Notification for ParentConnection

Sign up for email notifications of student school news, attendance, assignments and report cards 1) Log into ParentConnection and click on the Email Notification tab in the Welcome bar 2) Select which email notifications you would like to receive and click Submit.

Important Information on How to Log In to Schoology

There are two types of Schoology accounts: Student Accounts and Parent Accounts. This email will share how parents and students will access their accounts. Students and Parents use different websites to access Schoology.

Parent & Guardian Resources for Schoology

The list below are all resources on the Schoology Support pages, with easy links for you to access. Explore the Parent Help Center for answers to any questions you may have.

Student Resources for Schoology

Students, the following resources are from Schoology to help you prepare for the school year.
