mistar parent portal southfield mi

by River Doyle 7 min read

What is MISTAR parentportal?

This resource provides real-time information about your child's grades and attendance, class schedule and immunization records. MISTAR ParentPortal provides a safe, secure and easy access to your child's school record. Q: How do I sign up for MISTAR ParentPortal?

Can more than one child login to MISTAR studentportal?

If you have more than one child enrolled in our District, you should only have one login for all children. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or the school office. MISTAR StudentPortal is available for all students. A student will only be able to view his/her information, not information of a sibling.

How do I change or edit my Password in MISTAR parentportal?

To change your password in MISTAR ParentPortal, you need to login to MISTAR ParentPortal . Once you are at the main display for MISTAR ParentPortal, then go to Account and you will see the prompt to change or edit your password. Q: What if I forget my password? In the login page, go to the “forgot my login” link.

Why choose Southfield Public Schools?

The Southfield Public Schools’ instructional programs are rigorous and competitive not only with local contiguous districts, but also with districts nationwide. Residents are encouraged to consider the exceptional benefits offered by Southfield Public Schools.


What is AP in Southfield?

Advanced Placement (AP): Southfield Public Schools offers a variety of college-level courses that expose students to the rigors of college work, while getting the classroom. support they need. Students who score well on AP Exams can earn credit and/or placement into advanced courses in college.

When will the SPS begin monitoring conditions?

When the weather prediction calls for potentially hazardous conditions due to inclement weather, the Superintendent, SPS Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services, and the Maintenance and Transportation, will begin monitoring conditions starting late in the evening/early morning hours. a.

Why is it important for students to dress in Southfield?

Student dress should promote a positive learning environment, encourage community and family ties, and support healthy and safe behavior. A Southfield Public School District student will not dress in a manner that negatively impacts the learning process or educational setting.

Where are hats stored in Southfield?

Hats and coats are to be stored in the student’s locker during the school day. No bandanas, do-rags or gang-affiliated attire are permitted. Southfield Public Schools recognizes that each student’s choice of dress and grooming is an expression of personal style and individual preference.

Does Southfield Board of Education interrupt high school?

However, the Southfield Board of Education does not wish to interrupt the completion of high school programs of those students who are currently enrolled in a high school in another district.

Support Resources

Online Help: Available by clicking on the Help link within the ParentConnection application (once logged in)

Parent Login Information

Parents can retrieve their MISTAR ParentConnection login information by clicking the reminder link (Reset Your Password) at the ParentConnection login site and entering the email address that we have on file for you.

Email Notification for ParentConnection

Sign up for email notifications of student school news, attendance, assignments and report cards 1) Log into ParentConnection and click on the Email Notification tab in the Welcome bar 2) Select which email notifications you would like to receive and click Submit.

A Stephen Covey Leader in Me School

Helen McIntyre Elementary School, in partnership with families and community, is committed to the development of leadership that promotes motivated, goal-oriented students who cultivate a strong work ethic and value diversity and teamwork in their quest to achieve academic excellence; thus, enabling them to become contributing citizens in a 21st-century global society..

McIntyre Spotlights

From the Principal's Desk Principal's Newsletter Click here to read the return to school letter.
