The York County School Division uses Aspen to maintain student educational records such as enrollment history, student directory information, attendance, student schedules and health data in accordance with state law. All parents are also provided an Aspen Family Portal account when a student enrolls in the division.
The York County School of Technology is dedicated to providing high quality, dynamic academic and technical education for students, emphasizing professional skills while fostering the development of compassionate, lifelong learners who appreciate unique differences of other individuals and cultures.
You can also visit the App Store or Google Play and search York County School Division to download the division’s free mobile app. Finally, remember to like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram or Twitter to learn about the great things happening in our schools.
The POP UP SHOP apparel is not associated with the Tech Gear School Store.
The York County School of Technology is dedicated to providing high quality, dynamic academic and technical education for students, emphasizing professional skills while fostering the development of compassionate, lifelong learners who appreciate unique differences of other individuals and cultures.