mms vision parent portal

by Dr. Jettie Kerluke MD 10 min read

What is the use of MMS/vision gradebook?

MMS/Vision Gradebook is used at PC Middle School and PC High School to provide parents and students online access to classroom grades. A valid email address must be on file with the school in order for a parent to create an account.

What is the use of MMS in school?

MMS/Vision Gradebook is used at PC Middle School and PC High School to provide parents and students online access to classroom grades. A valid email address must be on file with the school in order for a parent to create an account. MMS Generations – Remote Desktop Session – For Office Personnel

How do I add a student to my Parent Portal?

To add a student to your existing parent portal, click the 2nd button that says: If you are not already logged into your portal, it will ask you to enter your login information. Once logged in you will have these 3 options:


How to contact Montini Gates?

To provide feedback, please contact Montini Gates at or call (770)922-0139 extension 26210. Parent Resource Center Materials. Check out learning materials in our Parent Resource Center across from the Guidance office!

What does MMS need?

MMS needs your help in planning progress and services that will serve you and your children. All parents of children receiving Title 1 services have the opportunity to provide input into how the required 1% set-aside parental involvement funds are budgeted.

What grade level is the demonstration test?

The items on the demonstration tests are general and are organized into three grade bands: Grades 3 – 5, Grades 6 – 8 , and High School in the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Fully featured with native apps and integrated partners

With MMS and Clever, administrators can make student setup and login automatic for your favorite educational software, including Discovery Education, NWEA, and Google Apps for Education!

Big Data for Better Educational Outcomes

MMS helps districts find actionable data in the volumes of student information that needs to be reported to state departments of education. Beverly Public Schools uses this data real-time to respond to individual student needs .

Strategic Programs with Data Visualization

Susquehanna Township Middle School uses Vision, from Computer Resources, for timely access to dashboards and reports that help educators implement a Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support program that has seen excellent results in just one term.
