mnps parent portal

by Mrs. Kathlyn Schaefer MD 3 min read

How do I register for kindergarten in MNPS?

All rising Kindergarten students must register for school, even if they attended an MNPS Pre-K last year. Families can register online or make an appointment at an Enrollment Center. Visit the Early Learning department for Kindergarten registration information. Schools in your Zone and School Options

What is the difference between the campus student portal and Parent Portal?

The new Campus Parent Portal allows for easier access for all of your children under one username, as well as the ability to manage family and emergency contact information (phone numbers, emergency contacts, contact order, relationships). The Campus Student Portal does not have the ability to manage family/contact information.

How do I sign up for the campus Parent Portal?

Visit the Campus Parent Portal login page. Click on the link marked "New User?" Parents will receive this activation key from their student's school. Parents will need to verify their identity to get this activation key from the school. Follow the steps listed on the site to create a user ID and password.

When can I apply for MNPS Pre-K?

*New to MNPS families may apply year-round to Optional and Charter Schools with available seats. Pre-K Application began on March 1, 2021. MNPS continues to accept Pre-K applications at this time.


Campus Portal

In Campus Portal, formerly called the Family Portal, families and students can see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, discipline incidents. The Portal also offers:

Campus Portal for Students and Families

In Campus Portal, formerly called the Family Portal, families and students can see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, discipline incidents. The Portal also offers:

District News & Announcements

Teaching came naturally to Moore from a young age. Decades later, Moore is still energized by education and has been with MNPS for 35 years.

Upcoming Events

MNPS has a program or academic focus for every student pre-K-12: IB, Cambridge, advanced academics, dual enrollment, STEAM, Montessori, Academies and more. There are many ways to succeed at MNPS.

Welcome to Metro Nashville Public Schools

We look forward to welcoming your child and working with your family. This section will take you through exactly what you need to do to register your child for school to make the process as simple as possible.

Kindergarten Students

All rising kindergarten students must register for school, even if they attended an MNPS Pre-K last year or if they are using the school options process. Families can register online or make an appointment at an Enrollment Center. Visit the Early Learning department for Kindergarten registration information.

Required Registration Documents

The following section offers information on how to apply for an ID Online, which is required before registering for school, applying for Pre-K or an optional school. And, there is a list of required documents and enrollment and application packets you can download.


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Viewing Student Work in Schoology

T he learning management system Schoology is used by students in grades K to 12. Why Schoology?
