monte vista middle school san jacinto parent portal

by Hazel Hilpert 8 min read

What does a postcard on Mustang Days mean?

The postcard will indicate a date and appointment time for Mustang Days. During Mustang Days, Mustangs will receive devices, textbooks, buy PE clothes, get their class schedules, take school pictures (dress code applies), and receive their ID and lanyards.

When will the California Healthy Kids Survey be released?

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) will be administered between December 1, 2021 and February 1, 2022 to all students in grades 6, 7, 9 and 11.

Is TUSD testing free?

TUSD is now offering no-cost COVID-19 testing for students and families. Our team of nurses is testing at the following locations Monday through Friday:

When is school starting in 2021?

SCHOOL CALENDAR 2021-2022. School starts on Monday, August 9, 2021! Please check out our district calendar by click on the "Read More" at the bottom of this message. Also, check out each school's calendar under the "Information" heading "Calendar- School". See you next year! Read More. about SCHOOL CALENDAR 2021-2022.

Does Tracy Unified School District have a safety plan?

Tracy Unified School District has a safety plan in place, as well as a guide for Face Coverings.

Congratulations Jaliyah!

Hello Bobcat Families!!! We proudly present the winner of the SJHS Four Direction Club Native American Heritage Art Contest: Ms. Jaliyah Grant, 6th grader won in the category of "Original Artwork" Congratulations Jaliyah on your beautifully creative artwork!!!


San Jacinto High School will start offering nutrition classes every Tuesday at 10am. Please see the flyer below for upcoming topics.

FFC Emergency Broadband Benefit

Helping Households Connect During the Pandemic. Click on the link to see flyer.

Virtual Coffee with the Principal every 1st Thursday of the month!!

Hello Bobcat families, please join us every first Thursday of the month to our Virtual Coffee with the Principal. Come and learn what is going on at Monte Vista.


Families if you would like your student to be put on the list for transportation from where "OLD MONTE VISTA" used to be to our new location. Please follow the link, and sign up your student.
