montgomeryschoolsmd parent portal

by Ariane Greenholt I 6 min read

What is Montgomery County public schools parent portal?

Montgomery County Public Schools / Parents / Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance. If you do not have an account contact you child's school and ask for information on how to create an account. PowerSchool - Click Here to log in

What are the public schools in Montgomery County?

Montgomery County Public Schools Auburn Elementary School Belview Elementary School Christiansburg Elementary School Christiansburg Primary School Eastern Montgomery Elementary School Falling Branch Elementary School Gilbert Linkous Elementary School Harding Avenue Elementary School

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Mobile Apps Staff Community Schools COVID Response 21-22 Last item for navigation Montgomery County Public Schools » Parents » Parent Portal Parent Portal is a program by Powerschool that gives parents access to their child's student information, including grades and attendance.

What does Montgomery County public schools do to keep students safe?

In order to ensure a safe, productive, and positive learning environment, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) publishes two documents that help students, parents, and staff and understand school rules and regulations; the expectations for student conduct; and the possible consequences for violating the rules.


Community Tech Support Portal Information

The Community Tech Support Portal offers self-service options to allow users to help themselves by searching a knowledge base in both English and Spanish.

ParentVue and MyMCPS Classroom

Synergy ParentVUE is the Parent Portal that serves as the primary home-to-school communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access into myMCPS Classroom, and more.

What is ParentVue?

ParentVue is the parent portal to MCPS's Synergy Student Information System that is available in seven languages on the web or mobile device.

How do I activate my ParentVue account?

Parents new to MCPS will create a ParentVue account during the enrollment process

Why do I need a ParentVue account?

ParentVue is the primary communication tool for MCPS teachers and staff to communicate with parents about school and student information

Do I need separate ParentVue accounts for each of my children?

No, you will only need one account to access information for all your children

How do I see ParentVue in different languages?

In the bottom corner of the website or app look for a drop-down menu of different languages. Pick the language you desire

What is the phone number for MCPS?

If parents have difficulty with activating accounts, or if they do not receive a communication, they can contact the MCPS help line at 240-740-7020.

When will MCPS send activation emails?

Beginning Friday evening, August 21, activation emails and letters for the new parent portal will be sent to MCPS parents. If a parent has an email on file, an email with activation instructions will be sent. If a parent does not have an email on file, a mailer will be generated and mailed to the parent address. If parents have difficulty with activating accounts, or if they do not receive a communication, they can contact the MCPS help line at 240-740-7020.

MCPS Covid-19 Information

Synergy engages parents in using an online ParentVUE portal to view student and classroom information, update emergency contacts, register or apply for school athletics and special programs, and stay connected with teachers and activities happening in schools and classrooms. Access to ParentVue will be available online and through a mobile app.


myMCPS Portal account usernames and passwords should be the same if parents have already accessed student accounts in the past. If you do not remember your username and password, or if you are new to the county and did not receive your login information through the mail, please reach out to the counseling office for support.

Get the myMCPS Mobile App

The app will provide direct access to content available on the MCPS website, including information about schools, the school year calendar, lunch menus, and the Board of Education.
