montvale elementary school parent portal

by Rhianna Howell 8 min read


Please continue to explore this site to learn more about the Montvale Schools, our programs, and to access family and community resources.

Board of Education

The Montvale Board of Education welcomes residents, staff members, students, and other interested persons to its meetings. We are pleased to have you here and hope you can join us often.


The Montvale Schools administration works collaboratively with the community to support students, families, and staff in the daily operations of schools and programs.

Special Services

Special Services specialists work with students, their parents, and teachers to identify student needs and facilitate academic achievement. Needs may include: speech and language delays, social and emotional difficulties, and/or academic skill deficits.

School Resources

School resources includes additional information about curriculum, instruction, Montvale Child Care (MCC), and other school services and information.


The district calendar contains information about school days and events taking place within the Montvale Schools.

What's Happening

The scheduled Board Meeting for Monday, March 7, 2022, will begin at 5:45 p.m. and adjourn immediately to executive session. Following executive session, the Public Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
