more house school parents portal

by Hayden Langworth 7 min read

Why Morehouse House School?

More House School has an outstanding reputation for its exceptional pastoral care, which is built on a foundation of respect, compassion and dignity in all interactions between staff, pupils and parents. In the pastoral system, pupils are personally supported and guided by staff, in order to become resilient, confident and inspiring young women.

Does Moremore House School provide full boarding?

More House School provides full boarding, weekly boarding and day places. Full time, non-residential, permanent position for February 2022, or as soon after as possible. Full time, non-residential.

Is more house open for bookings?

Booking open! Nationally celebrated, for eighty years More House has empowered bright boys who might struggle in mainstream schools, to transform their futures and to realise their true potential.


What can a geographer do?

Geographers can explore the carbon and water cycles, ecosystems, create resources and develop field work skills in Geography and is used for our Ecology day out in Science. Study breaks and walks for sixth formers.

Why did Kitty leave More House?

Kitty left More House in 2012 after doing A Levels in Geography, History and Classical Civilisation. She had always intended to go on to read History at University but changed her mind at the last minute choosing sports journalism at the University of the Arts, London. Now she works as a bloodstock journalist for the Racing Post.

How has Faith in Action championed the work of SVP?

Faith in Action has championed the work of SVP by raising awareness and money for the work of the organisation.

What do we do at the Cathedral?

We often walk down to the Cathedral to light candles and offer prayers in this lovely sanctuary and some of our girls are confirmed here.

Why do students visit the synagogue?

Pupils visit the synagogue to refresh their GCSE knowledge.

What is more house school?

More House School has an outstanding reputation for its exceptional pastoral care, which is built on a foundation of respect, compassion and dignity in all interactions between staff, pupils and parents. In the pastoral system, pupils are personally supported and guided by staff, in order to become resilient, confident and inspiring young women.

What is more house?

Welcome to More House; a small school that means big business. We are a creative-thinking Catholic school for girls aged 11-18 in the heart of Knightsbridge, preparing our pupils to be the ethical leaders of tomorrow. A greenhouse, not a hothouse.
