mount hope christian school parent portal

by Charity Dare 10 min read

What is a preschool at Mount Hope Christian School?

During their time at Mount Hope Christian School, we will identify their academic and behavioral needs, implement plans for active change and assistance where possible, and support our students’ parents by serving as educational advocates for their children. We offer the students at Mount Hope Christian School endless possibilities for learning and growth from one-on-one education to small-group education. To learn more about our outstanding preschool program, or to learn more about our school and staff, call or visit us today!

What is Mount Hope's literacy program?

At Mount Hope, we believe that literacy is the foundation for the rest of a child’s education. In order to fully prepare our preschoolers for their future education, A reading curriculum entitled Little Treasure along with Lively Letters, published by Macmillian/McGraw-Hill, are innovative programs and tools that empower students foundational reading skills and comprehension. The program is a developmentally-appropriate, research-based Pre-K curriculum. It is designed to prepare our 3- and 4-year olds for the academic and social demands of kindergarten. In addition, we utilize Universal Test Tools – PELI (Preschool Early Literacy Indicator) to monitor student progress throughout the year.
