mount hope parent portal

by Mrs. Burdette Gulgowski 7 min read


Reminder - Wednesday, February 2nd is a distance learning day and BWRSD Staff Professional Development Day for students in Grade 9, 10 and 12.

3. MHHS Student Support Services

As we know, many of our students are struggling with anxiety and mental health needs. Parents are encouraged to reach out to the school to let us know if your child is struggling or feeling anxious so we can offer support and strategies to cope. Doing so, empowers our students to build stamina, and helps them find support within the school.

4. Financial Aid Information Nights

The College Planning Center is offering two Financial Aid Information Nights for schools, students, parents and supporters. Please click on the registration link below to sign up!

7. BWRSD Literacy & Math

iReady benchmark testing in reading and math will take place during the month of January. These diagnostic assessments will pinpoint your student's academic progress during the first half of the year. Please encourage your child to take their time, show what they know, and work hard on iReady math and reading.

8. RI Student Assistance Service January Newsletter

Please review the January issue of RISAS Newsletter in English, Spanish and Portuguese! Please contact Laura Hosley, Student Assistance Counselor with any questions or support needed ( ). Thank you!

9. WARNING to PARENTS & STUDENTS re: Drug Emojis

See information below and linked here regarding the use of Drug Emojis to sell and buy illicit drugs. Drug Emoji Information, and Other Drug Emojis. For more information or support, contact our Student Assistance Counselor, Laura Hosley at

10. PrepareRI Internship Program for Juniors

The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is recruiting high school juniors to participate in our paid experiential learning internships during summer 2022. This year's program will provide placed-based internships (subject to change); for high school juniors who currently attend Rhode Island public/charter schools.
