mount vernon city school district parent portal

by Dr. Anahi Windler III 7 min read

What is the comprehensive page for parents for Mount Vernon?

This comprehensive page for parents provides district and community information as well as resources and services. This page will provide you with various links to access district tools for student success at Mount Vernon. Congratulations to our Honor Roll and Merit Roll recipients for the second quarter of the 2021-2022 academic year.

What's the Mount Vernon city school district looking for this year?

The Mount Vernon City School District is looking for teaching assistants and substitute teachers. The district seeks about 20 new teaching assistants to work with special education students and is adding to the list of substitute teachers available to take classes temporarily.

What support did Mount Vernon students receive on November 22?

Mount Vernon students received advice, encouragement and support Monday, November 22, 2021, from some 20 community members, including the current and former superintendents, a judge, the mayor, their peers and parents who lost children to violence.

What is Mount Vernon city school district doing to keep students safe?

Mount Vernon City School District is dedicated to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of our educational environment. Together, we are committed to helping keep students, staff, families, and our community safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Read more... for the MVCSD Health and Safety Guidlines. Read More...

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If you haven't already done so, please scan the QR code below (or click on the link below the QR code) to complete a consent form so your child may be screened for COVID-19. To better control the virus, all students should be tested. The non-intrusive saliva test is simple to take at home and then dropped off at school.


Staff and consultants of the Mount Vernon City School District, please scan the QR code below (or click on the link below the QR code) to complete a consent form so you may be screened for COVID-19 with PCR saliva testing.
