mountain ridge middle school parent portal

by Emmett Davis DDS 5 min read

Why mountain ridge middle school?

At Mountain Ridge Middle School, no student reaches the summit or succeeds alone. Everything starts with relationships. Through connections and International Baccalaureate learning, students become whole, well-rounded individuals who excel academically, discover passions and respect each other.

What is the parent/guardian portal?

The Parent/Guardian Portal is a tool for parents and guardians to access timely student information: attendance, class schedules, assignments, report cards and more. The Parent/Guardian Portal is also used as a communication tool for parents and guardians to receive important information from your school and school district.

Is there a parent/guardian portal in Monticello public school district?

Monticello Public School District is proud to provide our community with a confidential and secure Infinite Campus Parent/Guardian Portal for parents and guardians of currently enrolled students in our district. What is Infinite Campus Parent/Guardian Portal?


Back to School-ogy

Stay in touch with the data you need to help your student be successful this school year. Through regular checks on grades and assignments via Schoology, you're instantly connected to student information and online communication with your teacher. Learn more...

Back-to-School Reminder: Emergency Card UPDATE

Start your student's back-to-school paperwork ahead of time. Review the information included here for helpful tips to submit your student's emergency card update for this school year. Learn more...

Contact Us

Need to contact us? Find websites, emails, phone numbers and more here...

Parent Portal

Welcome to Monticello's New Infinite Campus Parent Portal Monticello Public School District is proud to provide our community with a confidential and secure Infinite Campus Parent Portal for parents and guardians of currently enrolled students in our district.

Campus Mobile App

Campus Mobile App Get access to Campus Portal information using your iOS or Android device. Follow the link below to download our new available apps: Campus Parent (for parent and guardians) and Campus Student (for students).
